Just make XP boost 100% then 50% in pre patch

Give a reason for people to play on the servers, you’ll still get people to buy the boost regardless blizzard. Most people won’t pass on virtually a free character.


50% is going to be a significant amount already.

But the affect of indirectly bringing more players to leveling alts is where is has the most influence.

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It isn’t going to be more than boosting does

Not sure I follow considering they nerfed boosting.


I think he is saying it wont be enough to offset the loss of boosting. A large enough xp buff might persuade some people to play insted of AFKing through runs, but 50% is unlikely to achieve that.

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The boosting nerf is considerable. Not sure people will be going that avenue.

Agree with Bone. The boosting nerf makes it so that anything before SP boosts, is absolutely worthless and pointless. Add on top of that the SoM changes to dungeon mobs also being added. Will like make SP and SL Boost probably impossible.

Will 50% offset what boosting did. No, it probably won’t, but it isn’t supposed to.


It does two things in theory for the pool of available levelers.

  1. Many boosters have to find another way, a portion of them will revert to more traditional styles of leveling.
  2. Already active players will be more likely to level alts with the adjustments.

I may respec my Paladin to Holy at this time as well.

It does two things in theory for the pool of available levelers.

  1. Many boosters have to find another way, a portion of them will revert to more traditional styles of leveling.
  2. Already active players will be more likely to level alts with the adjustments.

I may respec my Paladin to Holy at this time as well.

This makes no sense.

  1. People who boost dont want traditional styles of levelling, 50% extra or not. If its stablished the 50% doesnt equate the speed / ease of being boosted (fully afk with the WA) then they’ll likely just quit that character / the game.

  2. Active players already weren’t getting alts with the easier / faster boosting available, so they’ll be persuaded by a slower / harder system? Active players also already likely had the gold to get boosted, or to twink out through levelling or to get friends to carry them through group/dungeon quests, and they weren’t doing it. Sure, a small minority who were on the edge about that alt might be persuaded, but overall it wont happen. Its still a large time commitment even with the 50%.

That isn’t accurate because by that logic. We shouldn’t get the 50% at all. Because even if the boost was 1000% it wouldn’t ever be easier than being AFK with WA.

It would also be incredibly dumb to nerf boosting… then give a boost that reserves said nerf.

That isn’t accurate because by that logic. We shouldn’t get the 50% at all. Because even if the boost was 1000% it wouldn’t ever be easier than being AFK with WA.

It would also be incredibly dumb to nerf boosting… then give a boost that reserves said nerf.

There is a point at which its fast enough it overcomes the ‘just afk out’ convenience. That point might not be desireable ofc but at 50% its not even close.

The point of nerfing boosting, as I see it, its not about the speed of levelling. Its about the degenerate gameplay of just AFKing through levels. I dont agree with the kiting / CC nerfs because now those classes cant even solo-farm stuff; I think it should’ve been a hard nerf to boosting experience period, a mage farming whatever for himself has no impact on anyone (so long as blizz breaks bot pathing and geometry exploits)

I feel like the best things they could do would include making gold more valuable, so people would consider whether or not to spend it on mage boosts, hire GMs that care about the playerbase and game, and actively monitor and ban bot accounts/RMT.

Then legitimate players who are offering boosts could do so, those who have gold to spend on them and wish to bypass leveling content could do so, and we could have less RMT/botting; though of course, if the value of gold is increased, the incentives for RMT and botting also increase.

Listen to yourself. Do you understand how severe the boosting nerf is?

Lets take a Strat boost as example.

Right now it’s 190-200 mobs for around 50k xp. Cost 10g.

With the nerf is now around 500 xp. How much would you pay for that?

Not worth paying for, agreed. But the people who were using those services DONT WANT TO LEVEL THE NORMAL WAY. There is no obligation for them to level at all, they can always just quit. I know its hard to understand, being addicted and all, but that option is always there.

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Are you serious?

It’s 1000x harder. If it cost 3k to get a 70 toon it’s now close to 30k.

Do you understand how markets work?

its acually going to cost what, 60$ for the blizzard boost? Thats the ceiling, it cant ever be more in gold than what you could get for the blizz boost cost. You’re still ignoring the obvious option of just not playing, for whatever reason.

Oh, so that boost. You were not reading my responses correctly. Go back and look for contextual clues as to which boost I’m referring to.

It’s limited to one an account. What happens when you want a new alt?

In theory, I guess?

With boosting I can have WoW up on another monitor while I play a different game / watch Netflix / whatever. Or I can, with two separate accounts, have a toon being boosted on one while I play on the other.

This makes it so you have to actively play, which isn’t a bad thing but thinking that the people who were boosting are suddenly going to just start questing / dungeoning normally is silly.

If anything they’ll lose players over this more than they gain I would wager. Or at least sub count. Anecdotal of course, but a friend of mine likes endgame content but hates leveling and had come back for WotLK but is unsure he’s going to continue playing with the changes. He’s an altoholic so for him getting boosted was an easy way to get a class to a decent enough level to actually get a feel for how it played.

As far as people who are already invested with mains leveling alts, sure, you’ll probably see more people out questing / running dungeons normally which is a plus

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50% is more than enough.

Even without it I find myself now in zones 3-5 levels higher than I would of been in Classic.

Especially when you take into account it’s an all around 50% boost including quests and mob kills and not just one or the other.

Early levels are going to fly by. People will be overlevling zones and dungeons while they are still in them.

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It reduces xp gained by almost 10000%.

The pool of booster players will fall significantly.