Just make the blood elves a neutral race

Like the battle against the lich king? Cool. It’s also not like they can write more stories in the future.

And I have nothing against gnomes. This is irrelevant.

My DK would most likely switch back to Ally side and this pally would race change because I love how plate armor looks on Belfs.

To worship Nzoth is to walk toward enlightenment. It is the uniter. N’zoth be praised!


Ehm, no, thank you.

There seems to be a misconception among some people, thinking that Alliance wants Blood Elves. All I can say is, PLEASE keep your blood elves.

On the other hand, we do appreciate the loyal members of the Alliance who’ve been among our ranks since the second war, known as High Elves or Quel’Dorei.


So an Anti Blood Elf group fights Blood Elves?

They are doing a great job!

we have an example of absolute loyalty to the alliance and high elves fall short of that mark.

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Looks at the actions of Vareesa and the Silver Covenant during the Purge (arguably the ONLY group more responsible for that tragedy than Jaina and the Kirin Tor; and arguably for worse reasons) … yup, “you” were certainly fighting “for” them. Nothing like killing BEs attempting to merely get their life savings out of the bank; or slaughtering their only means of escape with the wyverns to tell the BEs (we care about you and we will always fight for you). :wink:


High Elves did get that Face Lift!

Those High Elves who betrayed the Quel’Dorei and stayed with the Alliance during the purge of Garithos are now NPCs, like many other unplayable races.

If you look at the remaining High Elf NPCs, most of those not in Alliance cities or towns are friendly to the Horde and the Alliance… because they are quest giving NPCs. (This list doesn’t include Trenton, so I’ve added him at the bottom.)

Blizzard tried that, but someone spilled blueberry juice all over the Alliance ones and now they’re stained.

I was at the battle of Ice Crown. They were not there. My memory might be fuzzy from the concussions I received from Arthas stomping on my skull with his boot and there were periods of fetal position crying as I watched my friends decay from plague and I may have missed a few moments when Arthas grabbed me by the ankle, swung me over his head like a cat in a bag and tossed me off the spire where I tumbled through the blistering cold air before smashed head first into the frozen ground below, but I am certain there were no High Elves there to help.

Many years ago…

High Elf: “Hey, were we supposed to head up with the adventurers to fight the Lich King?”

Commander: “No, we’re supposed to wait here for the signal to join them in the fight.”

High Elf: “What was the signal?”

Commander: “It was…um…was it a firework? No…a hand gesture? No, we wouldn’t be able to see it from here…a bird call…no…”

A scream pierces the sky as a human body falls from above and smashes into the ground with a sickening crunch

High Elf: “…is THAT the signal?”

Commander: “…Nah.”

High Elf: “Maybe it was a safe word! Like teacup!”

Commander: “I think it was Teacup!”

Commander and High Elf highfive



Just kidding, lol.

Sethrak probably.

I would hope that the true High Elf fans would be saying no to this louder than anyone else. After all, the forum has been littered with “NO, High Elves are not the same as Blood Elves…they’re different!” for a very long time.

what bullcrap, we don’t need more blurring between the factions

what allied race you suggest to go neutral? cause why just horde? stop acting like a spoiler and entitled child


Easy fix to all of this. Make Blood Elves to be like elves in every other RPG. Ultra goody two shoes that are tottaly opposed to violence.

Have them turn against Sylvanas and be the key players to take her down.

Make them so GOOD than Baine says “Comon guys, you are Horde now. Its ok to fight” and have all of the elven leadership simply say NO, we are elves we will not allign ourselves with such evil.

I don’t think high elves would be detremental to horde. I wouldn’t be faction changing my two BElfs. I have two VE, so wouldn’t even make a high elf myself. I could see maybe 5% gain to alliance at most and still more horde in game if they make ogres or vulpera a horde race.

Uh, the night elves kicked them out of their homelands, humans killed and abused them, they officially left the alliance as a race…I can go on? An alliance prince killed almost 90% of their race and defiled their source of magic…they joined the horde and named themselves the blood elves and have been doing fine since.

Except for when Jaina tried to kick them out of dalaran and killed a bunch of them.

You’re wrong.


There’s literally no difference though, especially with the sunwell being cleansed…

This game has always been about faction identity, void elves were mistake enough…get over it and play horde or stop crying imo. :man_shrugging:


Never. As long as Vereesa exist and the Silver Covenant and other High Elves keep popping up in Alliance cities, which is evident in BfA.

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Those weren’t High Elves yet. They were just Night Elves telling other Night Elves to go away for using magic thousands of years ago.

Not really. Even though the events of TFT, High Elf priests and sorceresses remained loyal to their Human allies in the Alliance.

Arthas was a Scourge puppet at that point and everyone knows it. Nobody blames the Alliance for Arthas.

They renamed themselves the Blood Elves long before they joined the Horde for out-of-lore marketing reasons.

Try a little harder next time.

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Go read the books, buddy.

Uh, YES really. Their race officially left the alliance. Sure, there’s stragglers but It’s not the race as a whole. That’s like saying since Alonsus Faol is an undead that created the paladin order, undead should be in the alliance!

Uh, he literally slaughtered people before he even became a puppet. Nobody forced him to do what he did before he came the lich king, dude.

Sounds like a made up excuse to me…