Just make dungeon loot vendors

Need to add dungeon loots to vendors. Leave the RNG on bosses and end of run loot just add vendors and let is spend valor stones or whatever from doing the dungeons on the gear we actually want. Already tired of running the same thing over and over for a specific trinket or shield or what ever.

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you’re not supposed to do that.

the reason loot is random is because not everyone is supposed to have the exact same bis list equipped.


And yet thats what everyone does?!?! Who cares if everyone has the same gear when transmog exists. would solve a lot of the leaver problems in dungeons to include M+ since people would know their time has a specific reward attached to it.

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Exactly, the game is best when loot is distributed in a way where only the best and most dedicated players have the best gear. The game lost something important when they best players on a server would gather crowds in capital cities from the plebes inspecting their gear and mounts.

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we, the players.

lol no we, the players, don’t care. Only you seem to care even though all the Bias lists exist and that’s exactly what people build

If a certain trinket is BiS for every class and every spec, it’s going to get nerfed. You’re going to end up vendoring it after it gets the hammer anyway. It’s not that big a deal.

this is false, yes we do.

This is categorically false, no we don’t. Season 4 vendors prove this.

S4 is the worst season by design.