Just lost an AV. Pushed back to starting portal

Out of curiosity, can you elaborate?

Its not a myth. Two perfectly matched teams would result in higher win rates for Horde just based on the map.

Nope, there’s balances in different areas. Just because the map is asymmetrical doesn’t mean it’s imbalanced. Otherwise Alliance would never win.

Yea. I’d love to be a part of the games to disprove this.

Oh you mean when we had the bulk of “rankers” wanting to lose to win HpH? Yea that was fun to get people to defend against the zerg.
Lo and behold. Horde pulled it off. Not only pulled it off but figured out how to beat some of those premades.

Yea because all you guys did was kill one npc and a few players. Meanwhile Horde killed players, Lts, and managed to start slowing your zerg down.
The forum posts calling for us to let you guys win were hilarious. I do suspect most were Horde sock puppets.

I’d love for a month of random starting positions to test this completely.

I disagree

I disagree.

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like we did with premades?

Are we talking before the premade fix or after? The number is the same just for a different faction. And the horde are not in a premade.

sounds like you are bad players.

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yeah, except you wouldn’t be premades
you’d be pugs

Good plan lots of the crazy rackets be gone by then. Some are already