Just Let us Tmog Swords lol

Every other class seems to be able to tmog weapon more freely or in some cases even Tmog the weapon away entirely (monk and enhance) but it would be nice to just be able to look like im using swords as the other 2 specs. doesn’t matter if it doesnt do any more damage. (and the whole we have to be able to tell which spec they are by first glance thing is moot. every spec and class can even roleplay as other classes now with how diverse tmog is)


Yeah i dont like dagger mogs


I actually agree, i am not a big fan of dagger mogs, i’m more of a fan of BIG weapons, and i personally just like swords. I support this.


agreed… it makes literally no sense why we can’t mog daggers to anything but daggers


Fist weapons at least.

I mean every other class can mog everything into something else. Why seclude dagger rogues.


Main reason why I had to do rogue legendary quest line. A lot of the daggers are underwhelming.

Dagger mogs have become incredibly lazy and uninspired… The ones from yester-year that are cool are all overused because they’re the only decent ones. It sucks.

Mutilating with fist weapons would look super neat.

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Bc blizzard hates us.

The daggers look like trash too

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You know when I’m on my rogue and I’m forced to use daggers (here’s to you assassination) I just want them to be BIGGER. Think, final fantasy sized weapons :stuck_out_tongue: But then again I feel like that for all my toons.

Anyone here play City of Villain’s back in the day? Seriously when are we getting customizations like that for wow… I feel like WoW is years behind a dead game from 2005, in 2021…

Mog is a one thing, but Devs showed us that reintroduce actually a weapon and not an image of it is possible, at least in historical way = for Sub spec:

Atleast some fist weapon mogs