Just let us make new characters on Crusader Strike

Kind of stupid to make us wait so long to make new characters. Where’s the logic here?

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Disabling character creation on the destination realms temporarily is to prevent a land grab of names by people intentionally trying to claim names othwerwise available to incomming transfers.

Reading Is Fundamental.

No need to reply to me, Im not interested in any whining that you dont agree with the logic.

All the good names are already taken. Next.

land grab of names on a server that existed from day 1? really? lol

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You realize they are freeing like 90% of the names, right? anyone that didn’t play since season 3.

Source: Trust Me Broseph Stalin XD

The source is literally the blue post on top of this forum.

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so what you are saying is that we are moving to a server where 90% of the people have quit? the future is bright lol

Well, I’m not a math wizard, but I’m sure 90% of the people who have created characters since the launch of SOD quit since.

The Ironforge.pro track raiders, it went from 400k to 40k


I don’t really see what the character lock is preventing.

They effectively gave CS players first dibs on names simply by being on the chosen server. Everyone else has to try to lock up whatever names are not used by CS players.

Might as well let people lock up their name or backup name and get it created, now.