Just leave pug runs if your gear doesnt drop

I don’t have to worry about people bailing on my raid, because I raid in a guild, with a raid team that doesn’t consist of a bunch of randos.

If someone like you acts stupid, they get the gkick, and no one will care. lol

Because at the end of the GDKP at end game, people chill in the Inn to distribute loot/bid, or wait 30mins to pass out cuts, or mail people cuts.

But you’d know why they would say that if you did actual research into GDKPs.

But your guildies have alts that raid with pugs, and thats my target audience.

I’m curious. It seems like everyone posting that are happy about the temporary ban are overlooking the verbiage that they have used. They never took a very hard stance against GDKPs. They said that this is “experimental” but also commented on how they acknowledge the positive social communities and benefits of the loot distribution system. This isn’t a 100% ban.

The fact is that botting and RMT have existed before GDKPs were around. There aren’t GDKPs in retail and yet there is still botting and RMT. So I am not sure what will be accomplished by this in all honestly. BFD GDKPs have gold pots for less than what you’d get for a few hours of questing. Most don’t even take a leadership cut. Payouts tend to be split 10 ways and in the ones I have attended the per player payout is rarely over 10g and has been as low as 20 silver.

What I have recieved from GDKPs over the course of Classic has been interacting with people outside of my guild on a consistent basis and expanding my social circle to a point when my guild needs last minute fill ins for the LC guild that I raid with on my main, I have a network of people that I could turn to instantly. I have a community that expands far beyond the reaches of my guild.

SRs and MS>OS are trash. I don’t know of any that can complete hard content the way that a GDKP can in any version of the game.

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must not read alot then.

That’s a pretty lukewarm retort, you can do better.

You think that waiting 30 minutes is going to get passed AI detection, designed to look for that very behavior? Y’all are legitimately running off of 2 brain cells, lol. Lmao even.

There are multiple available for download for Classic right now, so mission accomplished there.

Blizzard trying to force socialize in a way that won’t work? no it’s not shocking.

i did read your whole post. You did use too many big words for these folks, you might have to break it up into sections inorder to trick them into reading it, IF they even can.

but nevertheless you are in fact right.


just join a guild lol it’ll be ok, don’t be shy

not what i said, please reread.

The tears are hilarious

Why are you ignoring the fact that some people literally cannot commit to a regular weekly schedule of guild raiding?
What should these people, like me, do?

This change is a direct downgrade to my experience, I understand that people like you, who can play at the same time every week, don’t care, but blizzard should.
I find their comments about GDKP eroding social structures to be very out of touch and completely the opposite of my experience. Some of the best community fun I’ve had in this game over the last few years has been via GDKPs.

Everyone has a different experience, this is the point of player agency, it’s sad to see it restricted and removed.


hes not ignoring it, he just cant read.

You are right. I forgot my target audience. I’ll dumb it down more next time. Thank you for the reminder.

That’s not helpful advice for people who might have odd schedules, or are already in small friend guilds, or have alts etc…

And of course instead of trying to force people to join guilds by removing other options they could you know make content that’s hard enough it encourages joining a guild to complete.

If that is not your implication, then the entire response was pointless. Just like this entire post.

I cannot wait to see the price tag on Pendulum of Doom next phase :D. Like what, 1K? 1.5k?

<3 these salty cardswiper tears