Just leave pug runs if your gear doesnt drop

You’ve made more than one comment every six minutes for the past hour.

You could’ve run BFD twice. It’s not your schedule.

having access to an internet browser =/= being able to sit and play games uninterupted.

Right, but posting every six minutes because you’re camping a thread means you’re not actually working, either.

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Tell that to my timesheet :slight_smile:

Lol “I waste my employer’s time spamming WoW forum threads” is not the flex you think it is.

Entitled in game, entitled in life.

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There is no reason to be upset that I have my life choices that allow me to get paid to converse with hostile idiots on forums.

Keep going. Show us all how busy you are lol.

I’m having this jolly discussion on one screen while performing a migration on another. The wonders of the internet, modern technology and a few brain cells.

Unfortunately, I don’t quite have enough brain cells to also commit to a BFD while doing this.

Cool, find a guild.

Login at 2pm on a tuesday - Hi guys, I’d like to raid, anyone keen? No? Okay, time to PUG.

Login at 11pm on a thursday - Hi guys, I’d like to raid, anyone keen? 3 of you? Okay, time to PUG the rest.

Login at 7am on a Sunday - Hi guys, I’d like to raid, anyone keen? No? Okay, time to PUG.

What exactly is your issue, then? Are the PuGs not clearing?

That’s a nice boogeyman you’re scaring yourself with but it doesn’t reflect my experience at all.

There’s your problem. You should be asking in guild Discord, not logging in and spamming guild chat. It’s 2024. 3/4 of the guild won’t even be paying attention to guild chat.

I really don’t think i have the mental energy to explain it to the 10th person trying to self insert, just scroll up or something man.

If you’re able to reliably find a group of 8-10 guildies ready to raid at literally any hour with a viable comp then I’d say you have hit the unicorn jackpot, congratulations.
It will stop working once we get bigger than 10 man raids, but enjoy it until then.

i mean, i feel like I shouldn’t need to clarify that I am not just asking in a single comms channel, i’m frankly insulted you would even assume that lmao.

You’re the guy who says he’s too busy while posting every 3 minutes. At this point, you deserve no one to assume you know anything.

Who cares if you do HR runs? Why are you still here talking?

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hur hur you got me!

except, you didn’t.

Remember this post from only moments ago?

Even anonymously on the internet I try to be a decent person. You seem to make different decisions, which are allowed by ToS.
If the raid grants me the opportunity to get the loot I need, I am going to stick around to help the other people get their loot.
You sound like a person of small character.

Because people keep replying, that is how forums work, dunce.