Just leave pug runs if your gear doesnt drop

Ok, how should i be offended by a sad man childs attempt at being…something?


kelris jail existed because blizz is bad at tuning, he was way overtuned and his resistance values were too high early on. Since the nerf i have never heard of anything but the most rat of the rat trade chat pugs not managing to kill him

so basically pack of the guy above?

Then you know what you need to do. This does come from a place of empathy. This game is what it is. Trying to shoehorn it into your life will destroy you. And trying to change it without acknowledging that you just have more important things to deal with still leads to disappointment.



And just who do you think the people whining about “the erosion of MS OS pugs” are?

We are a week away, we can simply wait to see how it pans out, no need to spend that much time speculating.

Bro, Warcraft logs exist and we can both see what’s on there. You barely parse blue, I parse orange. You are taking a hard L trying to come after me.

Parsing in sod. Yikes.

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We are a week away, we can simply wait to see how it pans out, no need to spend that much time speculating.

youre not wrong. Just for the record i could care less about grey parse andy wanting to get into raids that he doesn’t have to pay for, that guy sucks and i dont like him either. i just like the RMT gdkp drives as a system even less.

the real solution is and always has been permabanning the gold buyers, but blizz finds that unpalatable so we get trash half measure solutions like this

GDKP would not be an issue if there wasnt a bunch of botted/rmt’d gold flooding the system to support it.

Didn’t ask + l ratio + you’re + :moyai:.

Thats even more cringe.
Its a 1 button game. Who cares about parsing. Its just a reflection of your gear

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Blizzard’s point of view is that you should be joining a guild and just running these as a group. The problem with pugs is that every time you run it you have to roll against (potentially) 9 other players. If you run a raid with the same group then the competition gets smaller and smaller each run as those who have won their items won’t roll again.

Also Blizzard is giving players 2+ lockouts a week to farm these things. A group of 10 players should have something like a trinket of the last boss for their entire raid after 4-5 weeks. The value proposition for guilds has never been higher.

The version you’re choosing to play is the degenerate band-aid of what an MMORPG is. The fact that the devs have come out and said ‘OK, we need to make some changes because you guys have gotten way too ridiculous’ should be a wake up call.

PUGs can still exist but if you’re sweating so hard that you’re buying tanks and healers with HRs and GDKPing other loot… you could have just channelled that effort into joining or forming a regular squad and avoided the downsides of PUGs in the first place.

Yet another ‘just join a guild bro’ reply.

I can’t. Very unreliable schedule, that is why I am GDKPing in the first place! It was the best PUG loot system for someone who cannot join a guild.

going to do this too
it will get enough people complaining and thats a start

oh oops, i guess the game heavily designed around rewarding investing time into the game and establishing yourself/building social connections with a guild might not be for you… retail is that way, enjoy your ticket runs.

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It’s funny how GDKPers are outting themselves in these threads as terrible people. I didn’t like the practice of GDKP but I had no opinion on the actual players running it. But seeing these threads about GDKP players planning to HR gear, ninja stuff, etc, it makes you hope the GDKP ban also gets these players to quit the game entirely, for the sake of the classic community.


Pretty selfish way to think… “boohooo I didn’t get my drop so I’ll just quit because I don’t care about the others getting gear”

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Thats your flex, that has to be the most geeky crap i have read in a long time.

Like its freaking world of warcraft, are we really trying to flex and measure skill raiding?

Show me those 3s ratings.

If you can dunk on a fool i would respect that, but killing npc monsters?

Come on, man. :melting_face:


Wah wah

How will you be BIS at 40 when GDKPs are banned?

You will be doing PUG runs like everyone else.

You are also a DPS player so you will be easy to backfill if you quit.

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