I finally gave in to the temptation to join an RP server and try out a Blood Elf plotline that had been rolling around my brain for a few years. I was wondering if anyone had advice for me or could give me pointers where I can connect with other players. Thank you in advance. (It doesn’t show my Blood Elf Character yet but I am a Blood Elf Mage)
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Welcome to Shadow Council! Sadly I only play Alliance so I don’t know much about the social environment of the Horde. A good bet is ask in trade chat if there’s any active guilds.
Hello and welcome! I also hang out on Alliance for the most part.
Does anyone use the new guild finder thingymagig? Sadly it looked less helpful/descriptive for listing my guild, so I have not listed us yet.
Anyhow, I have a post somewhere in these forums of various venues to utilize for meeting folks. Whatever forum you use, though, dogged persistence and poking I’ve found work best.