After watching some streams it seems many people have forgotten some of the basics of Classic.
Above is the map of Azeroth. The area circled in red is Night Elf Land. This includes Darkshore, Ashenvale, Felwood, Winterspring, and Azshara. Anyone who trespasses will be suffocated with arrows. There is no debating this. This has been decreed by High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind, seen below, since Warcraft 3.
So sorry to all the Horde who thought they were going to be questing in any of those zones. The forests are hereby closed…forever.
Trespassers have been warned.
Maybe you guys will do a better job defending it this time around. Maybe this time Orcs won’t log your forests and undead won’t burn down your tree.
Anyway, I gotta start gathering matches for a project.
Does this mean Horde gets everything outside the red line? I am okay with this.
Im killing every single horde on my Night Elves. I don’t care what level they are.
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Splintertree Post guards say hello to wandering lowbie alliance.
Why settle though, friend. Why settle for 80% when we could have 100%~ Just saying.
ehhhh are you sure you don’t wanna give away Azshara?
Pops a gnomish anti anxiety pill… thanks for triggering my ptsd.
You guys are lucky Malfurion befriended the Tauren or else we’d take the Barrens too!
Why would we give away a zone with a World Boss and, from what legends say, the resting place of a Battleground that never came to be?
Alright alright so phase 2 we farm a Puissant Cape or 2 then let bygones be bygones.