Just ignore

If memory serves, Tyrande said something like ‘your penance begins by redeeming all the souls from the Maw’ as though that would be the first of many things she’d have to do. I think a lot of those souls were destroyed so it may not be as huge a task as might be believed. For a long time, I wanted her dead. Now, since I believe her to be at least as evil as the Lich King, I’d like to see her turn into a puff of whatever and disappear like Arthas did, forever. She’s gone. Either leave her out of the picture or get rid of her for good. Unfortunately, I have a nagging feeling that her sisters will call for her aid when the Void hits town and she’ll redeem herself.

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Blizzard wouldn’t dare make a female character irredeemably evil.
It’s against the rules of modern storytelling.

Don’t mind me, just taking a selfie with my BFF Alexstraza on my undead slave.

h ttps://imgur.com/fhnYRkL


Sylvanas is bad, probably should have died at the end of SL, and should stay away from the game forevermore.

There you go.


The easiest way to partially ,redeem" Sylvanas and the only way I would accept, is to kill the evil soul while leaving the good partat charge. Good Sylvanas repeatedly experienced the life and torment of Evil Sylvanas. At some point, after years of this nightmare, she feels that she true become her and is also guilty of all her sins.

But, it’s Ranger General accepted her fate, what about the Banshee Queen part? In cinematic we see this part of soul is still completely wicked and shows no remorse. Doesn’t seem to accept her second part.

This opens up an interesting conflict for the future. What if at some point evil Sylvanas starts gaining control over the body, or Void uses it against us. We will have to split her soul again, which will give Tyrande a chance to finaly kill her. The second part will be the ,better side" but with every memory and feeling that Banshee experienced, to the point that she feels like she WAS a Banshee from the very beginning?

Everyone wins! Her haters finally kill Banshee while her fans get back Sylvanas with a clean slate. :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: (Still prefer to see her in a well-deserved retirement as a character)

I know I may be nitpicking, but Tyrande clearly said - save every soul you sent there. No, all the souls that are there now. My headcanon tells me that Tyrande knows this task is impossible to fulfill (she saw destroyed souls) so she traped there Sylvanas forever there on her own terms.


Hopefully we will never see her again. Worst character in the entire game. :nauseated_face:

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But Sylvanas worked for Jailer since Wrath. If she killed Malfurion, the tree would probably have fallen anyway. It was now her job to send souls to The Maw. I don’t see how the world would be a better place if she sold us to Zoval.

Well we have Azshara, Ashvane, Xal’atath, Onyxia and Lady Moonberry. They can write pure evil women, but they have a strange and unhealthy obsession about Sylvanas and they will do everything to make her an anti hero even if many times her actions equal those of the Lich King.

Interesting to see how most people don’t want her back or are just trolling. Midnight will be the ultimate test for me. If they can go without showing Sylvanas through this expansion, Blizzard will proven that they are not obsessed about her.

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To the first question YES, yes and absolutely yes!!! I believe in this with more passion than all the people who believe in account wide ignore combined, the one true Queen needs to come back.

As for how, well at the moment I don’t know, problem was she was playing a game of Monopoly and got the Go to Jail card, go to directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200,

I don’t know how she’s going to get out of that one.

You wanting her dead isn’t a good ending, it’s just her being dead after Blizzard ruined her character. What fixes Blizzards mistake, is Blizzard fixing their mistake… not killing her off.

She can come back once the maw is emptied of souls. Since it’s been operating since the dawn of time, and considering that it’s been absorbing souls from infinite realms of reality all that while, further considering that she could save as many as a thousand a day…

Lets do some math here. ∞ - 1000 = ∞. Hmm…So she should be done with her task never.

But once she raps it up she’s more than welcome to return.

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She really should have died here…

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Sylvannas is the biggest continued failure in the World of Warcraft universe. Every ounce of writing surrounding the character was a failure. The “redemption” should have been an execution. The “Muh soul still iz gud, i kaen be saev’t” was seen by every single player a year in advance and despite non-stop begging to not make that the story line - blizzard told you that you didn’t know what you wanted and did it anyway.

If she is quite literally never mentioned again for any reason the game will be better for it. Sylvannas was a complete, and staggering failure. Lore writers maintaining employment after Shadowlands absolute charlie foxtrot of writing is nothing short of divine intervention.

No. Do not bring Sylvannas back. Ever. For any reason. Ever.

Sylvanas can return to the game once the Gnomes and Mechagnomes become as popular as the Blood and Night Elves.

In a GOOD way, too.

IDK I’m over her at this point, I can’t really see any story left for her that would redeem her, unless she spent that time trying to earn penance with Anduin and her people or something, and even then it’d have to be done just right to the point where it’s likely they’ll miss the mark. And even if they did get it right, people are already upset about characters from different factions getting along.

But she still has a following, at least with my wife. She’s a forever Sylvanas fangirl, I don’t get it… She would’ve turned full villain and followed her if allowed. I was always hoping for proper reunion of the Windrunner sisters, but I can’t see that happening anymore.

If she comes back it better be as a loot pinata.

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as long as she isn’t a primary character i am fine with it, they did her dirty Post Legion and wouldn’t mind the new team getting her back on track slowly and i mean slowly.

Until they decide to bring her back to her old self n stop writing her poorly, she can stay gone.

She should be killed off-screen and become a permanent resident of the maw. But at the rate of “Genocide is OK,” including demons who murdered entre planets getting into the alliance, I’m expecting she’ll get a tickertape parade instead and resume the mantle of Warchief by Midnight.

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No… the end. Let her rot.

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