"Just ignore the timer!1!"

The jokes keep coming in :joy::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


If you thought deadmines was hard I can see why you want timers removed.


Isn’t dead mines supposed to be like an “intro” dungeon anyway?


Back when you didn’t just over gear content and had to play it.

I feel sorry for the modern wow player who never knew the fun that those simple but social events.


You just had your level 60 buddy come in and clear the place and you went up a few levels XD

Naw no one was max level in the days I did.

So the entire realm you played on had no level 60s?

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You could simply just not care ingeneral.
If you time it cool if you dont cool. Realistically you wont be stuck at a 2 unless you get some of the worst players possible.
I have done this before and your key will go up amd down.
If it legit stays at a 2 then i think its a sign at that point.

Now that i think about it what exactly do you even want? Do you want hard content or not?


You actually don’t need to do m+ at all, why do raiders do m+ so they can progress faster.
Not that they can’t progress but they want to do it faster.

The same case for pvp players, conquests gains sucks lol :rofl:

Back in the day you’d always poke a jacked friend to come and make it easier.



sure gramps. Whatever you say

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Yeah pass my man. Spending 25 minutes clearing trash one pack at a time objectively sucks.


I did deadmines back then.

The real question is how can it involve more strategy than an M+ while being a simple social event? :thinking:


Mythic+ is nothing more than gear based. I have no desire to grind an IO score to be accepted. Folks would send me tells asking to help do such and such. That never happens now.

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Yeah because you aren’t wanting to do the content.

“Hey come help us with this +2.”
“Na I don’t do M+”
“Oh ok”

So then they don’t whisper because they know you don’t do M+


this is false. the timer ticks in background. sometimes key goes up, sometimes key goes down.

you just focus on dungeon running and you get what you get at the end.

imagine the timer was internal and not displayed. put a sticky note over it.


Omg make an addon called “What timer” that is a post it note overtop the m+ timer xD


No one believes that
But, if you want more 5-man group content, I am all ears, and frankly I think it’d be cool

Scenarios and Island Expeditions were attempts at this

Frankly the reason why Mythic+ is the only constant 5-man content for PvE is for the simple reason why folks loved the Mage Tower, or the two rogues that did Flame Leviathan in Ulduar 25 on their own during Wrath of the Lich King being current content, or me and my partner running a Mythic dungeon just the two of us as a warlock and shaman to see if we could
Because pushing limits is fun, at least to folks who are competitive and find competitive engagements fun

Generally speaking though, folks don’t
LFD is brainless mindless ‘fun’ for a lot of people, I am not one of 'em but the point is for it to be that, not to require great deal of preparation or organizing to do it, I find that fun, but that’s because I am me, and someone else is themself

We got Zother here outright stating that they think tank’n’spank was more strategy based than Mythic dungeons and its completely fine to think that, I personally think they are wrong, but ultimately, there is a place for these people to have their fun as well

But it isn’t in the same location
I like Mythic+, pushing keys, testing things to see how far I can push it
They like tank’n’spank

Cataclysm’s LFD experience for guild groups - great dungeons, great content, not difficult at all, perfect as they were on launch
For folks just using LFD as their only source of dungeon content, those dungeons were brutally difficult and not fun at all because they weren’t the easy tank’n’spank dungeons from Wrath

But if you want more 5-man group content, you need to both be willing to engage with it, or show that you want something from it - Mythic+ is set up the way it is right now because it is a good fit for folks who want to do Mythic+, but lots of people don’t want to, and timing a key has very little to absolutely nothing to do with that

Personally I hate timers. Just adds anxiety to an already challenging experience you know? I wish they would remove that part about M+. But, there are people who (probably) love timers - so maybe there could be really cool cosmetic rewards instead for people who can time higher level mythics (that arent the KSM mount)? Idk, just throwing things out there.

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would if there wasn’t an IO score and a timer and the goal was to finish the dungeon. We had some terrible runs in deadmines in those days. I guess we were all just having fun like a card game at the kitchen table eating potato chips and onion dip.