Just how bad are those "time spent playing" metrics, Blizz?

Ok, months was an exaggeration, but it just feels suspiciously hamfisted to me.

There is no reason for Shenmue to have the budget it did, but especially not when Yakuza exists now.

But it did put the nail in the coffin for DC development.

I mean, it definitely could have been. When you are entering the slow cycle, it makes sense thats when you try harder to drum up continued interest.

They could also just be trying to gauge the popularity, the forum pulse of the system in a single thread. To see what aspects of it could be kept for Shadowlands.

shoves fingers in ears


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yeah case in point

I don’t see what is bad there.

I hope you still have that Saturn, with the prices and rarity now you’ll definitely be the one laughing.

Ive seen mant cm polls over the years this is nothing new

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“MANT! Half Man-Half Ant!”

Sorry to pick on your typo, but it reminded me of Matinee, and I now need to go on a quick nostalgia trip.