Just had the 14+ affix (sanguine) in an 11 BH

what is going on ah help

i just had both affixes in a +2! what is going on ah help

Came here to see if anyone else was having an issue. Guildmate just told me his Freehold 11 had both affixes. Had him turn on his stream and, there it is.

Can only imagine the headache this is causing lol.

And lul and the +2 with both affixes. :stuck_out_tongue:

We had them in +2’s. When I tell you the chaos that ensued…

Had this happen +13 and +10. As soon as i put my key in the dungeon, it changes it. Nobody was prepared and we ended up being at eachothers throats when it should have been a moderately easy run with the people in the party.

Had the same issue in a 12 Brackenhide. Was expecting a fairly easy run to try to farm up some crests, and was a bit surprised to see red circles on the ground, then glanced at the dungeon tracker and saw sanguine indeed was showing there. It wasn’t my key so I’m not sure if it showing on the keystone before starting the dungeon or not. Seems like earlier today no affixes were showing up even on high keys, and now the fix is causing all weekly affixes to show up no matter how low the key level.

Had the same yesterday on an 13 FH, both affixes, and then barely didn’t time that (by 15 sec) and did the resulting 12 Vortex… same thing, BOTH affixes.

At this point Blizzard, you need to shut it down, and give EVERYONE their original key they would get on a fresh Tuesday restart. You’ve screwed so many people.

The key will sometimes change. When i confirmed my key it added sanguine and once the timer started it said i had changed my key from +13 with Volcanic for a +10 with volcanic and Sanguine.

been happening all week for me :frowning: hopefully they’ll fix this before reset…

Just to confirm, I’m seeing the same behavior. Saw it in a 13 VP last night, and then a friend reported that Sanguine was present in a 11 key this morning. Still does not seem to be fixed as of this afternoon.

Same… But it’s happening to me no matter what key it is. Every time I complete one it has all affixes on it even if I drop it to a wyrm spam key < 14. Multi dollar company.

Had multiple 13s with all 3 affixes. Also seen timed keys not give score when they should have been upgrades too; like when they had no affixes.

OK, I thought I was taking crazy pills. I actually checked the affix and didn’t talent out of my root or stun. Imagine my surprise when I saw Sanguine in a +12 Freehold.


Same - Just had an 11 VP with all three affixes.