Just had a griefing healer knock me down 50 rating

So this resto druid Springerpark-Sargeras joined solo shuffle and was afk for the first 2 rounds, obviously both teams just wiped him instantly since he was standing still at spawn afk. Then I told the lobby to report him for gameplay sabo he started emoting at me. Then every round he was on my team he would stand afk and instant die at the start and every time he was on the other team he would sweat like this was AWC.

So long story short he threw every round he was on my team so I went 1-5 and lost 50 rating because of this and he went 2-4.

Nothing sums up the WoW pvp more than this experience. Especially after waiting 25+ minutes for a dps queue.


i dont do arena or shuffle but i have team mates throw in blitz/ randoms all the time too

it sucks but i guess there aint much u can do about it.

Bump, I’ve entered 3 SS shuffles in a row now where someone has quit 2-3 rounds in. I’m getting 8 raiting per win for going 2-0 and then they’re quitting.

gonna go out on a limb and say you were prolly being a lil toxic to that healer i betcha anything :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :+1: :+1: :dracthyr_nervous_animated: :dracthyr_nervous_animated: :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

I literally said “report for gameplay sabo”

Don’t queue rated if you are going to throw by being afk and tank people.


Who cares about shuffle rating, joke of a game mode


Oh nice why didn’t I think of that? Thanks I’m cured

Best advice I can give is to just stop caring about your rating, ESPECIALLY on a game-to-game basis.

Just take the bad lobbies [e.g., like the one you described] on the chin, and keep queueing. You will end up in a rating range that you belong.

If you are unhappy with where that rating range, then try to reflect on what is in your control, YOU, and stop chalking up every bad lobby to being someone else’s fault (even if the outcome of the round was largely or even entirely out of your control, there was always something you could have done better).

Above all else, try to remember it’s a game. If you aren’t having fun, take a break or play something else.

The queue times have sucked for going on 2 years now, and Blizzard has made it very clear that they don’t care, considering that the best they could do in 2 years is shorten healer trinket cd, give a trash title for healing shuffle, and extra conquest boxes that only make it slightly less painful to get alts caught up on gear.

Just try your best to find humor in their incompetence whenever you sit long queues just to have a lobby end early due to a leaver, or land in a tank lobby, etc. :slight_smile:


The people who do that only hurt themselves because they have no dignity.

Excuse you that’s my Druid. May I remind you I’ve achieved 2400 in solo shuffle and have never once left a match. What is up with this slander?!

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12 games of solo giving a awakened spark. Shoot not saying ive done it but thats real tempting to lose 12 rounds fast as _ boyyy.

Especially as a heals who could care less about ss meme bracket rating. Got 2900 in solo shuffle on my hunter. Trust me no one cared or said good job. They just dogged on it for being solo shuffle.

Ss is zero voice and can be manipulated by leavers botters q dodgers pilots, people who dont even read chat or strat. People splitting targets randomly. This bracket does one thing good. Lessons the amount of people available to Q actual 3v3 bracket. Its a meme. If i kept playing back then i woulda been above 3k in SS. And i am not a 3k player. Im a 2400 rated player. Point is dont stress over solo no real player gonna respect the achieve anyway

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why are u lying about 142 rating

Meme bracket gonna meme.

Things like this are why SS is trash. They need to implement something so that if the game recognizes that a player isnt contributing that the others are not going to suffer from it. idk how they could do it but that needs to be done

That’s not going to happen lol.

Yea i know they wont but would be nice lol. Like each player has an active bar to fill. The more active you are each round that bar fills. After all 6 rounds it calculates what all you did and how much you contributed and calculates your points lost or gained based off that idk

All wasted ideas, this is a problem that comes attached to a system like the shuffle. Just have to deal with it.

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you must be an epic battlegrounder still stuck in placement games lol

Welcome back swole

Kind of related but I faced an affliction lock and dude survived at like 5% health for like 20 seconds kiting and using drain life. I was so mad that the moment he got on my team I wanted to see him suffer