Where my Fire Nelf skin color with tattoos? I did a questline to let those Primalists and Flame Druids back into the fold. Nelfs should have that customization now!
I want dis:
(Edited 'cause I just want the skintone that comes with the tattoos already on it, not the armor)
I don’t know if any of this was ever confirmed to be available to players…But hey, who knows what the future will bring. But if they give Nelf Players the armor sets AND custom skins…Worgen players are going to be very upset.
It wasn’t. But with the questline we got to allow those flame druids back in, I think it’d be cool to have. 
I honestly don’t really care. Everyone gets mad about everything.
It would indeed be very cool to have.
Fair, but after the Heritage armor, the Kaldorei storylines, and the Bel’ameth transmogs…Giving more to the Kaldorei while worgen got nothing from their reclamation story would be kinda scummy.
Sure, lots of races need customizations. I don’t care about the armor set in that link. I just wanted the skintone that has the tattoos on it.
But I feel like people need to stop being upset when one race gets something and another doesn’t. Ask for more stuff, go for it. But don’t get mad at people or Blizz when races get stuff.
Just my opinion.
If we can have red Draenei I see no reason why we can’t have red Nelves.
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It’s not a bad opinion. And I too would like the Fire Nelf skins. Just think there’s a few other races that should have a spot in line before that.
Worgen here. I don’t think it’s a competition.
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Well. This wasn’t supposed to be a who deserves what, get in line type of thread. But okay. I guess I should know better than to try to post something fun. lol
Oh well. I hope everyone gets what they want someday!
Minus Worgen tails.
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Ha! I saw what you did there.
And I didn’t mean to imply who deserves what kind of thing. My apologies for that. I hope everyone gets what they want too
Give worgen tails.
I mean…you’d win. I’m not fit like I was when I was in wrestling. XD Nerve damage in both hands and one foot, plus my other foot and knee are permanently crippled. I’m pretty useless in a fight. 
I can offer potato chips though 
As one of those worgen players who also plays a nelf, nah bring on the fire druid skins! Maybe one day worgen will get more customizations but until then, no need to try to prevent other races from getting more customizations… Also I just really want that fire druid skin!
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Fair. Maybe they’ll release it before the end of Dragonflight, if they ever do.
My dear… I’m a 46 year old living in the body of a 90 year old. I think I’d be more like this:

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I feel that in my soul.
But again, I apologize for how my posts came across. Wasn’t my intention to be rude.
Oh you weren’t rude! You’re totally fine. That’s why I tried to lighten the mood with silly gifs. 
Bump, pls bliz let the playerbase have access to this, it’s too sick for us not to have 
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1% of the playerbase plays worgens anyway.