Probably they kicked for fun if nothing happened…
I have been kicked once because I rolled win lol
we need that kick violence penalty for the ringleader!!
I see. If that’s true, then it seems totally just and fair then. Here I thought it was for something totally unjust, but if it was for their entertainment… well then shoot… how can I refute that?
If you don’t know why you were kicked, why do you assume everyone else knows why they were kicked?
You’re right, I shouldn’t just assume that. I’ve been keeping a list of all the things I can tell myself or tell others when they randomly get kicked too.
This is what I got so far:
- Because the majority simple wanted to for funsies
- My mog was hideous… gross!
- An orc ganked my party one too many times and they might want to get revenge on me by kicking me … understandable!
- My dps may have been number 1 on the meters… but was it good? Who knows…might have been bad
- I may not be pulling for the tank, but the tank might have thought I did by mistake and kicked me… understandable and fair!
What do you think so far?
You didn’t get randomly kicked
Remember earlier when we agreed people are notoriously bad at critical self reflection?
You’re proving it now
All these cute little remarks you’re trying to make are just coping mechanisms because you don’t want to or aren’t capable of figuring it out
Sorry about the experience. The kicking frenzy this expansion is really something else. Maybe they didn’t like your transmog… or lack of transmog… or the cut of your jib. I don’t know but I wish they would have to pay for vote-to-kick initiations so it would disincentivize some of this behavior.
So… are you saying my list is good or not? I need to know so I can study it.
Yeah or maybe it’s because they did something bad
Equally likely right? Cause people are just getting kicked for transmog right and left
Yes, that explains it. It’s a good place holder reason since there is literally a 0% chance it could be for a legitimate reason.
How am I doing boss?
I went to upvote this and I realised that your shoulders make your head look really small. Like, scary small.
OMG… that was the greatest thread evar! It will live in infamy.
Truthfully not very good, which is probably why you got kicked earlier.
Call it a throwback Thursday, but do you remember when you said
And then you spent 12 hours whining on the forums lol
I can vouch for OP. I was in a group a while back, and it was a group of 4. They kept having tank issues (as in, they couldn’t keep a tank in their group) so I decided to give them a try, they were Vote kicking tanks halfway through the dungeon, for no reason. People are just toxic sometimes. You don’t have to do anything wrong, that’s just how mean they are.
True, I think my list lacks gas lighting. I am not a natural at this, obviously.
Eh, forums helped keep my brain occupied while I was at work. My shift started after I got unjustly booted from my dungeon run this morning, as you know. Or wait… you may not know actually… I forgot you don’t believe in unjust kicks.
Certainly not yours. You’ve proven you’re an unpleasant person. That’s enough to kick someone right there.
There’s a whole lot of logic and truth in your post. Around here it’s like opening a can of sugary pop next to a hornet’s nest.
Thanks. I’m glad someone pleasant and reasonable like you could give me that feedback.
Once again, no actual proof that that group was just randomly kicking tanks for no reason in the middle of the dungeon, the most that poster could even vouch for is that they got kicked, they don’t know what happened before or after they were in the group, but you just assume they’re telling the truth and know why they got kicked because it suits your narrative, I guess?
You certainly are an expert on gaslighting, have some faith in yourself.
What you’re not an expert on is actually using logic and critical thinking, like you think you are.
Was that the blood dk that had a 1 handed agi weapon on?
But you don’t want to think about you being the problem, that’s why you came to the forums, you were fishing for sympathy from the start.
Sure was, leather boots too