Just Got Kicked For No Reason Whatsoever

Yes, but also no reason at all.

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I agree. It’s true that people can get kicked for unjustified or bad reasons, and without clear communication from the party members, the person being kicked often has no idea why. I’ve seen this system get abused in the past, with unjust votes and people getting kicked without any warning or clear indication. It can be really frustrating to be removed without a second thought. Providing a reason might help, but it won’t completely eliminate the potential for misuse. That’s why I suggested the escalation method earlier.

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Blizzard can’t force people to play with you

That’s fine. They should also consider reducing the harshness of penalties for those who get kicked for unjustified reasons with a system that is fair and doesn’t unduly punish players who haven’t done anything wrong.

They’ll never know for certain, but a lot of times the bigger issue is that people are terrible at self reflection, especially when that reflection requires you to be critical and point out your mistakes, flaws or shortcomings. So even if there is a pretty clear reason, they won’t consciously acknowledge it if it reflects poorly on them.

Or, in a lot of cases, people may have a good idea of why they got kicked, and they just don’t like that they got kicked, or agree that they should have been kicked for it, so they lie to the forums because if they told the truth they wouldn’t get the sympathy they seek.

There’s no way Blizzard can program the system to allow for justified reasons. Even if you had to select from options, people would just pick something/anything and proceed with the kick… EVEN IF the selextion they choose wasn’t THE REAL REASON

Either we can kick or we can’t

And if we can’t kick then a troll could nonstop ruin players days in dungeons

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I actually agree with most of what you said. Where you lose me is the emphasis on “lying on the forums” and the whole “attention seeking” nonsense.

People have abused the vote-kick system to unjustly remove others from groups. I don’t understand why that’s so hard for you to wrap your head around.

Just saw this now, it brings up a good point:

You think it’s odd Blizzard hasn’t done anything to fix it yet…

Do you maybe think that’s because it’s not actually as big of a problem as you think it is? Could that be why it hasn’t been changed? Because it’s not actually an issue?

Is that within the realm of possibility?

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So I’m just going to say, I pretty much 100% agree with you on that regarding the self reflection. I think that goes both ways— some people can’t admit they could possibly have done something wrong, and also some people can’t just simply say “Wow I didn’t do anything that’s real :poop:y. Anyway!” And just move on. Like I know if I didn’t do anything, the 30 minute debuff sucks but I’d be fine just moving on.

But I also don’t think that frivolous or unwarranted kicks don’t happen. I don’t think abuse is as common as people make it out to be, but I do think it happens. The official statements and rules are written as such that people can be kicked for any or no reason, but I believe that includes bad reasons. And I do think people use the votekick function to troll, but I don’t think it happens as often as people say.

And if it does happen as often as people say to certain people, I believe in the “common denominator” school of thought. But I’m just speaking from my own experiences as summon who pugs dungeons and LFR regularly.

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Cool. There are many issues Blizzard hasn’t addressed that have been long overdue for a fix.

No, but they can program the system to escalate consequences.

If you leave you get deserter debuff, if kicked you shouldnt, as mentioned earlier, you dont need a reason to kick, and being kicked from a group is already a pretty hefty time loss. (Given how most are DPS and them que times o.o,)

Actually, you do get a deserter buff. Being kicked is treated the same as leaving.

Historically, I believed that if you killed the first boss in the dungeon, the debuff wouldn’t apply whether you left or got kicked. Maybe they’ve changed it recently and I was unaware.


They did recently change it, because people were farming a dungeon for a trinket and leaving after the first boss, which the trinket drops from.

It was such an issue they made the change so now you get the debuff even if you kill a boss.

I don’t think they don’t ever happen, I just think they’re such an insignificant minority of the cases that it’s not something I give the benefit of the doubt to.

There’s also the issue of who gets to decide what’s “unwarranted” or not. I mean, if someone is doing low DPS, that’s technically warranted right? Even if you or I wouldn’t kick them for it, it’s a perfectly valid reason to kick? Point being, people have different thresholds for what’s warranted, just because something doesn’t meet your threshold doesn’t mean it isn’t valid.

Bad reasons… not liking someone’s transmog? I agree that’s a bad reason, I certainly wouldn’t kick someone for that either. But how often does something like that actually happen? 1/1000? Even lower? I mean it sucks when it happens, but it’s hardly a problem worth changing the system over.

But yes, in the case of OP, even if it was for an “unjustified” reason, if that’s the only time they’ve gotten kicked, then there clearly isn’t an issue. That’s the only time they’ve had to endure the debuff. It’s not happening with any kind of frequency at all. Shrug it off and move on. There’s no problem.

If OP is constantly getting kicked, the issue isn’t the system, it’s something OP needs to do some reflection on.

I really question how many people are coming to the forums and making threads about it if it’s the only time it’s happened to them though. That seems like an overreaction.

There’s no way to accurately measure how often the vote kick system gets abused. The potential for misuse certainly exists, and there are numerous threads of people reporting unjust kicks.

A reasonable solution is introducing an escalation method to help mitigate this issue. How does the harm of implementing such a system outweigh the good it could bring in ensuring fair play?

Yeah except we’ve already established, and you agreed, that people are notoriously bad at critical self reflection and often won’t consciously acknowledge a problem with themselves when there is one

So when you use people’s forum posts as proof that there’s a systemic issue but you agree that people suck at evaluating these things, it doesn’t really work because we have no way to verify that all the forum posts are accurate and true when they say it’s unjust

The other problem with using forum posts as the only metric for driving change is that we get maybe one of these threads a day? How many thousands of dungeon runs happen smoothly that don’t get threads about them?

The system allows for getting kicked for no reason

Working as intended

You didn’t answer my question, so I’ll ask again: A reasonable solution to stop vote-kick abuse is to introduce an escalation method. How does the harm of implementing such a system outweigh the benefits?

as i said…the ones you see defending this childish behavior ARE involved with it and THATS why they defend it.

Reading the replies, it’s amazing how quickly everybody has just become total a••holes for no reason. It’s mirroring the country.

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