Just got Invincible and Mimiron's head

that how it works lol
it will not be a month but 6 months lol

Oh well no mount for me just a decent helm. Thanks for the tip though it was pretty fast only 2 wipes.

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I actually got Mim’s head and Invincible on the same day (as drops), i was farming them both for ages and was up around 350 kills each :joy:

Grats! My friend and I both got Invincible from the cache last night, too. :smiley: Another player in the group got Mimiron’s head. The first boss is definitely the worst, but the raid is pretty easy afterwards.

Welcome to the club, it’s a nice place.

Play the lottery. Right now.

I got ashes and invincible on the same day. As well as some other mounts on the same day. It’s interesting that it’s happened to so many people. I’m lowkey convinced that for some reason on certain days we have a better chance at getting rare stuff or something with how many people recognize this happening.

Holy Earthmother! I need to find more groups then.

I think my heart stopped when invincible dropped for me.

But then I tried the Ashes of Alar and the Sha of Angy and I haven’t been so lucky anymore lol D:

I think it’s just a case of us remembering specific days like these above all else.