Blizzard come on. It’s SoD. The place to try new things and make changes. Just put them in the game.
Yeah don’t let all the buildup for undead paladins be for nothing.
Would prefer not
Don’t be scared.
Like I theory’ed in another topic on this.
I’m wondering if the dataset is something like: {warrior,priest,rogue,hunter,warlock,mage,hero} (though it’s probably more of a ClassID than actual words), where ‘hero’ is determined by the faction; Paladin for Alliance, Shaman for Horde.
Would love it, but I think it’s a case of “more trouble than it’s worth” for them to do it.
And not a case of “just add Alliance or Horde to the ‘faction’ variable”; bingo-bango, we got Horde Paladins and Alliance Shamans.
Look a the new Scarlet Area. This is built on the old Death Knight area to the old classic map. Same thing with the shamans/paladins added into the game.
Anything from retail that was added into the on the base classic world map/system is available. Which is exactly what has happened. It’s also based on the dev team ability to work on this outside of anything that is on their schedule. Which is how we are getting Phase 8, instead of the Phase 7 being the last. The team had the time, resources and ability to get this done.
I am 100% sure it will happen as the initial class trainers are set up. Shaman item(s) from the addition are in the files and updated for SOD. I also think it is one of the final “surprises” added into the last release and helps the SOD server after Phase 8, as have these classes on opposite factions takes away having to pick a specific faction because Pally’s/Shamans being OP end-game this taking away faction choice at creation.
I think this is cope even for me. Why would we get UD Pallys AFTER P8? There is a entire raid tier dedicated to Pallys and their legendary weapon if they dont drop UD Pallys now I frankly have 0 faith they will ever come out regardless of the NPCs on PTR.
If its not a store mount, Its probably not getting added.
Since I’m not on the PTR. Is it an instanced area; ie: Talk to NPC to teleport there?
So far they have not done any World Tile updates. They’ve placed objects on it, like the Scarlet camp or the World Boss portals.
Yeah they should really be more creative with what they implement in SoD imo.
Undead palies and dwarf shamans seem like an obvious choice. Just make the totems/paly skills available at vendors, no one likes doing the fetch quests for them anyways.
Do you think they could implement it tomorrow if they wanted to? Do you not understand that these things take time and testing?
Really no reason not to, they will most likely release this towards the end of P8 as “New Content”
Well, yes they could
You guys all just made it up in your heads though. An entire month of content creators and posters Yes-Anding each other until you all believed it was real.
Theres been an entire storyline over multiple phases about a Deathknight being friends with a Paladin and going though an entire journey to destroy a Legion artifact and becoming a paladin in spite of being undead. As of the next patch he is in the undead starting zone.
They put the dwarf shaman trainer in the starting zone…. What were we supposed to think
There were multiple phases of buildup for undead paladins, it isn’t something entirely out of the blue.
yeah cause then you would know what its like to fight a battle ground full of paladins that are immune and stun lock/one shot you
The light burns the undead. So let them be paladins, but every time they cast a holy spell or ability, or proc anything, it deals 10% of their max health to themselves.
Giving the other faction Paladin/Shaman isnt very exciting.
For all that work they could add death knights.