Just give the alliance high elves already

speak for yourself. self control is not one of my strong features, but it is theirs. i wanna explore the concept. mwahaha


Are you suggesting that the fact wow is old enough to have a driver’s license has something to do with its declining sub count? Madness.


no he’s suggesting white skinned blonde haired elves are boring. but if that were so, why they so popular on horde? :sunglasses:

besides. i wanna a helf with a tan. in fact, a half elf


It’s a good thing blood elves have such neat writing to compensate for their boring, Barbie doll aesthetic.


maybe they could explore belf druid concepts, like botanists. that’d be a cool angle. i was just in botanica. and it struck me as quite an interesting concept. like techno magic


The thing is, Helves don’t actually add anything to the game. Aside from their allegiance to the alliance they’re functionally identical to the belves and the sindorei at least have some distinction in that they’re anachronistic to the majority of the horde’s membership; Helves would just be utterly bland as an addition to the alliance.

Which is why the Rendorei were made a thing; aside from wanting to explore void stuff, the addition of the Void elves to the alliance gave them a distinct and unique race.

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You have that already.

They’re called night elves.

Night elf druids aren’t like the blood elf druids in Botanica. And hi Elfkens, changing your character doesn’t make me not remember you. Why do you change your posters so frequently?

Blood elf druids would be difficult or flat out bad because one, what are their druid forms, two, that would mean they’re the first and only race that can be 11 classes, and three, how does being a botanist give you access to life magic?


the helfer community, whether rightly or wrongly, have developed an adjacent lore that overlaps and oftentimes follows, the lore for helves, in which they are separated not just politically but ideologically, from other thalassians, including void elves. this is so because they 1) are a bunch of goody two shoes, i’ma good girl arent i daddy, types, 2) they exhibit a great interest in personal discipline, something velves and belves appear to not take as seriously, and 3) for whatever reason they’ve developed a keen interest in human-elf relationships, something velves and belves dont seem to share.


when i’m working on a mog, i change to that char to see how the mog looks when i make changes or have made changes. then if i happen to read something interesting, i just respond, instead of switching back to hyper. i usually inform people when its me.

Oh you’re Hyperspace too? So many elves. Fair enough though.

What you’re describing is creepily close to an entire race of harem anime girls.

Which just… please no…

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yeah yeah, hyperspace, elfkens, elfkin, pinky the gnome priest, etc

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how you got that outta self discipline, goody two shoes, and non-racist, is beyond me. haha

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Goody two shoes, Self discipline and [quote=“Elfkin-kilrogg, post:3022, topic:492247”]
for whatever reason they’ve developed a keen interest in human-elf relationships

Again, this sounds suspiciously like the responsible girl in a harem anime… spread across an entire species.

High Elves non racist? They literally had a race riot.


Might I ask how you know what those girls are like in harem animes?

He knows people.

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I haven’t lived under a rock for the past 30 years?

Fine, that’s fair. I prefer this explanation though: