Just give the alliance high elves already

Except high elves aren’t a Horde race. And before you quote Ion at me, from all I can tell, he hasn’t read the lore himself; if that were so, I wouldn’t blame him either. He has other concerns and lore is not his job.


I’ll quote Metzen at you instead
“Blood elves are our High Elves”
Pretty sure at the time lore was his job, or at least part of it. he gave high elves to the horde in TBC


And that was about a decade ago. Times have changed since then. In a place where we can have lightforged death knights (!), I do not think we should rule out anything that makes…substantially more, y’know, sense.


“Blood elves no longer truly consider themselves high elves, and they tend to have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred.”


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this is getting ridiculous

the high elves ARE the blood elves! they switched sides! if everything that has happened to the blood elves since WC2 had still happened yet kael had kept the name high elves would you even be saying this?

come on kara



That’s all you really needed to say, this kind of mindset just kind of nullifies the rest, imo.
Yeah…sorry but no one is thinking clearly when they believe the game creators are ‘malicious’ toward their player base.
Here, maybe this will answer some of your more rational questions:


Part of me has to agree. They made fun of my dinner the other night.

Weird how Ion’s statements can give you hope. Shouldn’t his statements also squash it?

This statement makes it seem like you actually do care about the debate due to intentionally misinterpreting one side so badly its almost comical.

Weird how conveniently Ion is used to support High Elves, but dismissed the moment he says anything they dont like.


I consistently do not care what he says about lore.


i wonder why

Because lore isn’t his job. He’s only passingly familiar with it by the looks of it, and he doesn’t have to know more. Asking him lore questions is asking at the wrong address.


ion was the one who floated ‘high’ elves and brown orcs for the AR system before they implemented it

obviously after discussing it internally with other devs they ruled them out. he is speaking on behalf of the development team as the game director. the reasons he gave for ruling them out arent going away either(not distinct from blood elves, too few, blurs faction identity) and when you actually accpet that you realize alliance high elves are never happening. thats why you scapegoat him


No, I spacegoat him. That is an important difference.

Seriously, though. Unless he explicitly says he’s speaking for the team, I’m taking any statement as his opinion. He has experts for various things and as project lead is reading a summary at best. He can also change his mind, and so can his team. I don’t see anything as set in stone until it’s actually ingame.

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Given them High Goblins instead.

Imagine being the art team of WoW, you make all these new races and heritage armor etc etc and people are raging about wanting blood elves with the eye color changed to a tint of blue. Must suck.


Go on, tell them what you made that we made fun of.

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Imagine giving the alliance races that weren’t asked for and then being surprised they are still asking for what they actually want.


The devs have never said they’re never happening, Ion himself has said anything is possible in the future, which is why people continue to have hope. Blue Eyes for blood elves would’ve been the nail in High Elves coffin, but the devs actively decided against it, which makes one think something may be coming in the future :thinking:
Enjoy your green eyes

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he flat out said theres no plans

its possible horde humans could happen too. either through the fogsail freebooters or reaching out to what remains of the defias or alterac who both feel betrated by the alliance

giving them to the horde was the nail. void elves crushed the fanfiction and buried it

ive been enjoying them since 2007, ty!


You need to stop part-quoting what Ion says.

“No plans in the near term to add High Elves” - April, 2018.


and that changes no plans how?

It means that, in the future, it’s possible that they’ll be added. Lol.