Just give the alliance high elves already

To be fair, a religious order recruiting handbag snatchers would be a little weird.

It is. Zandalari is using the old Night Elf Models.

Zandalari have been using unique rigs since 8.0, which further got changed for playability in 8.1.5 with different animations.

This has been proven multiple times Sara.


-Lost Codex Interview, Blizzcon 2017 with Alex Afrasiabi and Shani Edwards


Love how the Alliance keep banging that drum of I want I want and never offer and real solution. As for the Gnome all he does is try to tear down everyone arguments since he doesn’t like them.

If you want to have High Elves then the HORDE should get the Eradar with the lightforge model rig. but even then you should only get Half Elves.

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The alliance already got a High/Blood Elf look alike, they shouldn’t get another one.
Over and out.



Lol true, when shadow Lands comes out people will calm down

Personally if we have to swap core races I’d rather have a questline where a cure to the plague of undeath is found and a small amount of Forsaken are back among the truly living.

Give them some discoloration or have them keep forsaken eyes or something to differentiate them from normal humans and a quest line where they tell Stormwind they can go screw themselves and will remain loyal to their Forsaken brothers and I’m good.

no, if you want to play a human play the alliance

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I’m just talking hypotheticals, I don’t want them to start diluting the factions just to pander to an extreme minority of players.

It’s just my idea compared to the “just give the Horde the least popular races” idea floated by the people demanding HEs

Putting aside how curing the plague of undeath would simply mean the forsaken just die, I’m personally of the mind that if we’re swapping core races then there is only one option that makes sense (in as much as race swapping can).

Night elves.

It makes zero sense, would leave players baffled, makes the game more sepia tone and would ensure that everyone has basically every kind of god damn elf there is.

And then as their equivalent to the blue/green eyes the night elves could come in regular (Alliance) and ones with singed eyebrows fresh from Teldrassil (Horde).

Because Kid B is happy they have chocolate cake but by god kid a can’t have vanilla ice cream.

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It is using the night elf skeleton as a base with different animations although it’s not a one to one copy like nightborn.

Ogres aren’t least popular woulf be an actual monster race again and have a model base to work off of with KT

Anyways, here is my daily support for the Alliance High Elves to become playable for the Alliance.


Not more femur measuring.

The artist who made the thing has said that it’s a modified Troll, not a night elf.


“If you don’t like something it must be because you’re a big meanie.”


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Most annoying part of the entire “debate”. I have this toy and you can’t have a different version of it because it will feel bad… Somehow.

I can’t even figure out the how.


Different versions are ok. The problem is the skin tone and blond hair for some reason.