**Just get rid of ALL borrowed power systems!**

Source to prove what you want is some how what the majority wants? No GD is not representative of the playerbase nor are they a majority of anything.

No thanks! I like powerful decisions to be possible for my character.
Also looks like they are done being borrowed in a sense too.
Seemingly we will not lose the shadowlands covenant stuff. It will just only work in shadowlands once it’s over.


Nah, they are what make expansions interesting and give you something to work towards. If the only way to progress my character was just hitting the new level cap, what’s even the point? I like new toys to play with.

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That wouldn’t be the case. How have we enjoyed the first several years where progression is permanent but now enjoy a turn at the cheese maze only for the cheese to be taken away and put into a new maze.


I liked it better in older expansions. Starting with WOD they systems overshadowed what was good about the scale of the expansions, the theme, the story and encounters. It became all about the systems and the ladder of navigating through them.


Funny, I was coming of the forum to start a new thread to ask people if they really like all those systems…

Personnaly, I hate them. I liked the story part of the artifacts, but the system that came with it was just painful IMO. Same with azerite armors and I guess I’ll hate the covenants just as much.

I think those systems add unnecessary complexity to the game. Most of my friends that are trying to come back to the game are lost in the systems and it prevents them from fully appreciate WoW as they once did.


I’m gonna run outta likes, lol.

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#Kill AARP

The trouble is there still is a pretty strong core of WoW players who really care about a feeling of progression.

When people mention scaling the whole world, making old content relevant at any level, etc, the biggest detraction is people saying that they don’t like that feeling, that their characters get to be level 120 with all these awesome powers, but might still struggle to kill a wolf in Elwyn Forest.

But to me that makes no sense. Whatever expansion we go to, we start weaker than we felt at the end of the last one, our shiny new “powers” stripped away, our powerful weapons taken, and we have to fight wolves, peons, collect broken pottery, do all the same types of things we did at level 5 in the starting zone. It’s not until the end of the expansion we’re feeling powerful again.


I can’t speak for others but I’ve been consistent in how much I HATE borrowed power systems and the fact that they steal dev time from content and making keeping classes somewhat stable and consistent impossible.


Ill never forget the firm time I saw shadow moon valley in BC, it just felt dangerous and I was living in the story. Or Icecrown in WOLK it was just this amazing.
Why cant we have epic zones and epic stories anymore to get caught up in?
I really dislike the micromanaging systems hooey.


I don’t even bother with the endgame borrowed power systems. I can’t see wasting my time, on something I will lose next expansion. I do just enough to get me through the main storyline, so I can see it all, and then I level alt characters.

I don’t want to spend my time grinding stuff that will become obsolete. It’s great if other people do. I would just rather find other things to do in the game instead.


I don’t think individual systems add too much complexity to the game. Azerite Power, Essences, and Corruption are all fairly simple. When you try to deal with all three as a new/returning player, then it feels overwhelming.

Borrowed Power isn’t an inherently bad concept. It becomes bad with poor foundational design. Borrowed power that builds on top of good class design wouldn’t be a bad thing. Essences have honestly been my favorite Borrowed Power system, because they add interesting tools that don’t feel necessary to make your class function. I’d be very happy to see more Essence-level Borrowed Power systems.

And I don’t know why people think this every time I bring it up, but I’m not saying Blizzard currently has good base class design.

Make covenants something casual for weapon, armor Tmogs and pets/mounts. Id rather they not be tied to progression and all the other mess.


I agree with you, but I’d prefer them to be removed than the mess we have now.

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My gear doesn’t get taken away from me when an arbitrary amount of time passes.

They still aren’t free though, any time spent developing yet another temporary borrowed power system detracts from time spent on the actual content and core of the game. There is only so much dev time and money. Personally… I will always prefer that the time is spent on content and not on a temporary system.


I hated artifact weapons in legion but OMG they are so much better than now.


Be careful when you say that, lad. I happen to enjoy the “borrowed power” systems. I know I’m not the only one, too.

Be careful when you say that, too. Even if ALL the players who post to GD managed to agree on one thing (which will NEVER happen), it still wouldn’t be a majority of the player base.

Those systems are content, though. I’m very curious what your definition of content is if you think Azerite, Essences, and Corruption aren’t content.