Just for the lols, about Warlocks

When do you think Blizz will give back all that they have chopped off from Warlocks to give Demon Hunters meaning ? lol


When the warlocks are



Im prepared to cancel my sub but the mmo market is a wasteland of crappy game engines and poor artistic choices :confused:

They’ll give us Metamorphosis back after they’ve turned succubus into a fruit so we don’t complain too much.


They are more like Warlols

Warklol: my dps sucks

Just sha up and summon the group :angry:


Still waiting on that incubus you promised in MoP BLIZZ


When they further take Warlocks AND UH DK’s abilities to make that Necromancer everyone is swooning about.

We are never getting it now because Succubus will soon be on the chopping block.

And it really annoys me that if they had put it in from the beginning, not only wouldn’t we lose Succubus but they could have used it as an example of equality.

Doubt it. As I said in that one obvious troll bait thread about the succubus. The succubus is wearing what she wants to wear. And we make a consensual bargain with her to allow us to summon her.

That’s actually quite progressive. And it’s not just male warlocks she works for.


A trio of fruits!


This is how I get my entertainment now :frowning:

One clip of her with the hip thrust, low laugh and snap of the whip in court will throw that narrative right out the window.

And if Blizzard doesn’t realize it, the lawyers will make sure they do (if they haven’t already) and she will be gone.

I am just hoping the sexualized multi-armed female demons ones don’t go with her because they are glorious in their beauty and power!

I quit playing warlock mid BFA it was so bad, in Legion I felt unstoppable, in BFA my pet couldn’t even hold aggro LOL

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This whole turning women into fruits meme, did that start here on GD? cause thats kinda wierd… bliz so did this to themselves.

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What’s up with the fruit thing now? I see a lot of reference to it

Blizzard enjoys replacing scantily clad video game women with fruit.

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ROFL!!! thanks for the info :rofl:

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sorry mop is when they fired the only dude who cared about your class lol. your only place is to just be mage but with food you can use in combat.

Still think that since there’s a big consent thing happening here that she’ll be safe.

Meh. that’s just how I feel about it.

I think a Shivarra for a Succubus was a good trade.

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