Just Fold Highmountain and Lightforged into their main races

Just to subvert expectations if Blizzard does add Pandaren Druids their bear form should be a turtle. :joy:

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I wish we’d see 20 threads like this instead of the 100 threads about elves

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It used to be part of the highmountain threads during Legion’s end before releasing the race but it has been dwarfed by the elf and kul’tiran human threads. Might have more power now that people have been considering these races as another skin.

If we ignore skeletons, Vulpera are the only actual new visually distinct race.

Um no…my LF likes their bombardment and my Draenai like their HoTs

Really wish people would quit trying to take the individuality out of character creation.

Some of us dont want bland with a side of bland.

Is it though? it would benefit players opening a lot more customization.
And while it would initially be a lot for Blizz, they would then don’t need to add new customization to HM or LF as separate races later when the new customization options for AR come.

Mag’har don’t work because of the classes being different.
Mechagnomes have unique animations an so.

You can make the case for dark irons but really they are pretty visually distinctive enough and since there’s no equivalent on horde they couldn’t do it.

They are the only new race which is why I didn’t bother putting them here. zandalari and KTs are visually distinctive though.

When did I say to remove any of that? lol

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Cosmetic customization is crap compared to actual character ability customization.

Ok? what does that have to do with anything?

your whole meld races together schtick means that each race has the same abilities making it completely cosmetic.

its the same problem with the “I want this race to have this class” complaints

I said they should give them the ability to choose their racial like zandalari so if anything they’d have bigger ability customization.

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Can we just get HMT with glowing horns and LFD with non-yellow options. Like what’s wrong with blue or purple lightforged when Naaru’s can be multiple colors??

I’m sorry but I miss the old days of classes restricted to races, and restricted by lore. When they opened the door on that. They seriously started down the s%%% trail we are at now. Lore is as changeable as diapers based on Blizz’s track record. I don’t see where it should be anything in game operations.

I still agree with OP on almost all points he has made. Yes I reread the orginal post and I am not trying to getting off-track by multiple posts.

I guess that would help HMT.
And yeah LFD need more colours, the problem is, how not to infringe on normal draenei colours?

Yeah we’ve seen Naaru for a plethora of colours!

You just fold it in, David.

♪♪ My name is Frau Malouda ♪♪ I’d like to tell you please ♪♪ If you’ll just solve OP’s case I won’t hafta take out your knees ♪♪

They said that new customisation options are an on-going project. I imagine Allied races will have their turn eventually.