And once again they built upon that and cataclysm because you can now fly in the old world.
You are still obligated to level it’s just your skipping the old game to play the current game and in that current game leveling occurs from 58 to 70.
And once again they built upon that and cataclysm because you can now fly in the old world.
You are still obligated to level it’s just your skipping the old game to play the current game and in that current game leveling occurs from 58 to 70.
I agree, this is not TBC its TBC CLASSIC.
But all changes to the original game should be done with the intention of making the game better, not with the intention of making money.
It’s obvious the game was never designed with boosting as a possibility, leveling your character and alts was a big part of the content in TBC same as it was in vanilla.
Yet you insist on telling everyone, they are REQUIRED to level from 1-58.
So which is it? I can play the way I want to, or that I must play according to the rules you dictate?
I’m not the one telling it, leveling was the only obligatory content in the game.
They are changing it now just to get more money.
Now that blizzard have implemented that system, You are free to spend your money in any way you want.
The no changes crowd has classic vanilla. You can romp and play with the other no changes crowd in complete contentment knowing everything will stay original.
If you don’t like the boost then just stay in classic vanilla
You should play the game as it was intended to by Blizzard. Imagine if the players can decide there own way to play a multiplayer game : cheating would be rampant.
Unfortunatly here, Blizzard give you the choice of skipping the content. Some players are against this because it’s not the way TBC should have been played.
That is your opinion, one perpetraded by the forums. At no point has Blizzard made the statement, “We are doing this just to make money!”
I’m not part of the no-changes crowd, same as I’m not part of the Retail cash shop babies.
I’m all in favor of changes as long as those changes respect the design philosophy of the original game.
Boost are clearly not that, but it will make them money, so I see why they will do it.
I don’t disagree that it’s probably to get more money, but you 100% could skip some levels in the original TBC by paying your way.
You talk about the intended way to play the game and how it originally was, but the TBC developers themselves changed that during TBC with Recruit a Friend.
Which was unlimited and would do a lot more damage to TBC Classic than the current proposed boost would.
You know some people can think on their own right?
There is no need for blizzard to state something obvious that will only make them bad press.
Based on discussions on different threads we already know we will never see eye to eye on this, so I wont keep wasting my time.
I hope you all enjoy the release and don’t worry, retail will always be there waiting for when you get bored of TBC.
Let’s use 200 for ease of math and the fact that it is a little more accurate according to some rogue friends that legit farmed BRD for hours to get their epic mounts… (187g/hr was his average according to him)
That’s 33,600 gold per week starting nearly instantaneously at the mere click of a button per bot. I do not know the exchange rate for gold on most of the sites. As it turns out I do not frequent them. I’ll check that out for the second half of this little math-fest.
A bot working up from scratch takes say 200 hours and then can start doing the same. Though on average let’s say they get a gold per hour just for the ride up to money-making range. So that’s 168 gold for week 1 (since there are 168 hours in a week + 32 (hours to finish leveling) +27,200 gold at the 200g/hr rate for finishing week 2.
So 2 weeks down the line one bot has 27,400 gold - the one who paid 15 for his sub and worked it up via botting.
The other bot has 67,200 after the click of a button and locating themselves.
So after a little search - I found gold for like $22/1k, $34/1k, $30/1k…
Let’s round down to 20 bucks I guess to keep in with our math and be ultra-conservative.
The bot who worked up via leveling at 15 bucks overhead (for the subscription) made 548 dollars in 2 weeks. Ban him it is a 15 dollar loss - so 533 dollars.
The bot who boosted made 1,344 dollars in 2 weeks with an overhead of 15 dollars + boost fee (lets go crazy here and say 100 dollars - of course it wont be that high) So he made 1,344 dollars minus the 15 for sub and 100 for boost - so 1,229 - if banned after 2 weeks.
See where I am going with this?
You say - well just have more subs… Yeah, but the math already checks out for the boost. So why not have more boosted subs? The math here can really get ridiculous if you want to expand it out it gets a LOT worse…
Feel free to check behind me on this.
I have been playing since the start of wrath. I can tell you that I am absolutely sick of doing the same quests over and over and over. It has been over a decade. The days of exploration are way past me. I don’t, for the life of me, understand why people want to keep doing the exact same thing over and over again.
The original design philosophy was also geared toward allowing new players to explore the world and become accustomed to it. The long leveling process is no longer needed with players that have been playing for many years now.
Recruit a friend was way better than this boost.
For every 2 toons to hit 60 you got 60 granted levels. You could make a lvl 1 meet up with the person who grants levels in stormwind stand there and ding 1-60 in 1 minute.
You keep bringing up vanilla TBC
did they have recruit a friend in TBC?
Yes that’s when it first came out
Yep did that several times. Even got reported to an Admin for “Cheating” because of it. The admin just said hello and thanked me for using RaF and to have a good day.
Nothing anyone in this thread has done or will do has ever affected me. Youre wrong OP. Someone boosting has no impact on your gameplay unless youre sensitive.
RAF sounds like boosting with extra steps. Win for the pro boosting crowd
I dunno, no one’s brought up a legitimate beef about how it would affect them.
The only real impact it’ll have is that it’ll bring more players to The Outlands to group with. That’s were most of us will be.
Meaning you had at least 1 high level character to give you enought golds to “skip” content and still require you too play your character buy your spell/mount etc…
You’ll still have to do the same quests in TBC. Nothing changed here too. Same dungeons, same raids etc…