"Just don't buy it. It won't affect you"

i leveled to 70 during TBC. not when it was brand new either. i was a casual. i had fun, found a guild, made friends. if bob from accounting with 3 wives and 10 kids cant play the game, boo hoo, go play afk arena. from pro boost side we have multiple people saying leveling isnt hard and takes no time at all which makes the boost not a big deal vs multiple saying its a large time sink and 70 content doesnt take any time so casuals can “play the game”…WHICH IS IT?

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Have we fallen back to the lie of “if he doesnt have time to level he doesnt have time to do other things!”

Its sad how wrong that statement is

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So I log back into Classic for the first time in a while. All I have to say is that if you don’t think the economy is already completely effed up, you have issues. All this complaining about botting is nothing but an excuse to cover up that people don’t want catch up mechanics. And they want to feel special a little while longer.

It’s not big deal. At least some people were up front about it and told it like it is instead of hiding behind this excuse. Just like I have no issues saying I want boosts because I’m lazy as heck. I want to boost a booster class.

As for pay to win. Blame the players. There’s that GKPD or whatever the heck it’s called. And people are worried about boosts?!

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At the end of the day all the anti boost arguments just come down to “I walked uphill through the snow both ways and so should you”

All the so called reasons are just fear mongering to pretend that it’s not that.


The problem with that is, most of the anti boosters I seen throughout these past few months are people who still can’t even clear naxx. Most of these anti boosters are just s#%@ers who can’t play an old game. What uphill have they walked when all they do is tumble down that hill 5 seconds in?

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Its both, since you know people are different. At the end of the day all that matters is a large number of people have/had zero interest in doing vanilla content, they dont want to slog through 58 levels to play the version of the game they like better. They also dont owe you an explanation for any of this.

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This is just as bad as the anti boost argument of “if they can’t do Vanilla grinding why would they do TBC grinding/rep grinding/dungeon grinding/raid attunements”. I would probably even make the case that this is an even worse argument. It’s like saying that you should like basketball as a baseball player. No, they are different things and people like different things.

But yes, there are far better pro-boost arguments such as “Players will get boosted whether or not Blizzard is the one providing the boost.” The fact that player run instance boosts go 24/7 with constant group fills is a clear example of this in action.

Then again using that logic, Blizzard should just add Warglaives to the WoW store because people will just buy them in gdkp runs anyway right?

TLDR - The discussion is a lot deeper than pulling a bad point and using it as a springboard.

What if it happens in such a large amount that real humans can’t play wow?

edit: Also, how can you reverse those damages?

how about this, no person who buys a boost will have a negative or positive affect on you at all.

Zero of your examples are relevant or compare well to how some one else boosting will affect you. This post is doodoo.

For starters, let me begin by saying I respect the question and at least you placed it in terms of a what if… well if it somehow came down to that, it’s now up to blizzard to vanquish the bots, while I see this as an impossibility. But again if botters somehow got it to the point to where real people can’t play… well, guess they lose their market and reasoning for botting in the first place, again something blizzard has to clean up.

But literally NOBODY said that. You are arguing against something nobody said. I know that’s easier, but it’s more useful to argue against actual ideas that people have expressed.

Some people have said that other players using THIS SPECIFIC FEATURE will not HURT your gameplay. That isn’t “obviously false” at all. But it isn’t obviously true either.

Perhaps you should argue with that, rather than writing a whole post about drums and other features that are totally unrelated.

This is a terrible argument as this all happens already.
It will not effect you.

The issue is…we don’t really trust them to make the correct choices. We’ve seen them fix “in-game” issues that were player created. Example: Alterac valley in phase 2 - make Alliance queues scrambled because they were using a discord when THERE IS AN IN GAME VOICE CLIENT THEY CAN USE TO COORDINATE. Was one of the worst excuses to change player based gameplay. You can’t trust them to fix any of the damages…thats why people don’t want it in the first place! There will be effects of the boosts whether you convince yourself there are or there are not. In reality, there will be a negative affect on the gameplay of everyone.


But can you provide a factual reason boosts are bad though? Saying bots are going to overrun the servers because of boosts, has no fact behind it. Can you provide a non-speculative argument for it? That’s all I’m gonna ask of you…

The only untruth part pf this statement is the fact he thinks it hasn’t happened already.

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I’m not sure what your obsession with clearing Naxx is, but I can say this… it’s irrelevant.

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This already affects me and many others, substantially so.

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ENG in classic has more of an impact on raid performance than drums ever will. ENG isn’t mandatory in Classic raids.

You’re affected too much cuz your skin is too thin. I had a blast leveling my 7 Lv.60 characters, meanwhile everyone is crying how boosts takes away from what people earned…Yo! you didn’t “earn” anything, you spent your time, and hopefully receiving fun. I had fun, did you have fun? A boost can’t retro actively remove the fun I had while leveling.

Stop whining, go find your own fun.

Obviously it seems to be affecting you, but that’s a pebkac issue not an actual in game issue.