Just delete MW and Rdruid from the game

I mean they normally have just been the best healer in the game by a mile (normally as in the last 4 years) so its less with scaling and more of just being naturally better than everyone else.

big true. I don’t think they go poof but this limits their power by a decent amount

Please, don’t. I like mistweaver. Just work on the problems it has so it gets better.

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Late reply sorry. I guess my point was that regardless of how much it gets nerfed, nothing is going to change its viability because of how powerful absorbs and preventing damage is in a progression setting. Imagine if there was a talent that could convert all of Revivals healing into an absorb instead, it would instantly become a more desirable cooldown.

Like I said earlier, it also just isn’t enjoyable to heal alongside a disc priest that can effectively remove the other healers from the fight every minute haha. (This part is from a pure healer enjoyment perspective, not related to the strength of shell).

One day maybe we’ll see other healers in the meta. But I’m not holding my breath.

Its kind of weird to think about. Since hitting spirit shell doesn’t actually change their rotation just when it happens.
So when the current incoming changes its just a 20% hps decrease… meaning if the absorb doesn’t save your live (ie the hit would have been more than your max hp) then its just worse

I hear you on healer balance, its especially atrocious in PvP and raids. I mostly play M+ and collect things, so I don’t get the worst of it.

But resto druids and mistweavers are the only specs that keep me playing WoW, they both feel pretty fun to play and I like their legendaries. All the other specs can’t keep my attention for longer than an hour.

Pls no delete I have fun

hey now…

faeline stomp will always give my enemies a pleasant surprise that it does virtually nothing in pvp

so there’s that


And to think…at one point monks healers were made to dps to heal and were competitive, fun and strong. Til the disc heals QQd and bluzz obliged and ruined fistweaving to whatever it is now lol…

So depressing they dont know what to do with monks.


Let’s be completely honest. Historically speaking:

Resto Shaman: History of being middle of the pack to solid in all content (raid/mythic+/PvP) 3 star average.

Holy Pally: History of being a super solid pick for all content with an emphasis on single target bursts, great in raid and generally solid arena pick. Depending on the current gimmick they are good to great in M+. Should probably lose some overall damage due to the ridiculous amount of utility they wield. 4 star a average.

Resto Druid. All around solid healing option. Weaker in raid due to little utility but SUPER dominate in PvP and M+ due to mobility/utility. Currently doing fine. 4 star average.

Monk. Started in MoP with an amazing niche and playstyle but has went thru wild mood swings and identity crisis. Still managed to be middle of pack to decent in all content but had been abused the most of all healing specs… Currently could use some Mana cost reduction and big damage buffs to round out their identify and purpose. 2 star average but passionate players always make Monk work.

Disc. Amazing raid pick. Amazing in PvP content. Can work well in knowledgeable M+ groups. 4 star average.

Holy Priest. Similar to Monk, passionate players make the spec work. Generally decent in raid weak in everything else. 2 stars.

Things are relatively okay right now with balance however, MW, Holy Priest and Resto Druid could all use minor-moderate adjustments.

MW needs a Mana cost reduction (another one) on Viv and Env and there damage is really bad right now.

Druids are doing great in M+ and PvP as far as throughout and damage options but could use some utility w raid maybe…Druid is really doing well now though and has always done well. It’s not FOTM like last xpac but good druids are doing fine.

Really it’s Holy Priest and Mistweaver that really need the attention.

Holy Paladin needs Ashen damage brought down a small bit.

Im not sure what will happen to priests. SS may not be a nerf because they also changed the cap scaling.

Not that it matters. SS will still to be used, and it will be more valuable than any output healer. Not to mention disc always have been top tier without the existence of SS.

Disc priest is nerfed almost every patch, and they continue to be competitive, usually because of scaling.
Monks and druids usually get buffs and continue to be crap even with the buffs.

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if this is your main toon, its okay for the kind of content which you do. Where balance hardly matters.

I know druids do fine in pvp and m+. As they have been the top m+ healer for expansions it is fine for m+. For raiding druid died since Azshara patch. Not that they were top tier before, but after azshara things got worse. Most competitive raid druid players have already rerolled.

Shamans are extremely strong right now. Huge output with low mana cost. They also have been strong for most raids (usually most), except when there are a lot of spread fights. While riptide lego exists, shaman wont be hurt much, even with spread fights.

And well, paladins… Is probably the class the kids of the devs play. They are consistently and historycally above the others, on every kind of content. This is just undiputable.

Current riptide and mana-less paladins are things that break the game. Shamans are supposed to chain heal. Why do paladins still have infusion of light, if everyone ignores it? FOR THREE PATCHES. A clear sign of broken design. Pallies are supposed to holy light, not to ignore it.

Why are you trying to do the whole "insult the forum avatar that I use but then go on to recite what I said and agree w it? That’s wild.

I liked your post and everything you responded to after the ad hominum, I mean your response agreed with me.

It’s you’re initial post that is over embellished.

Look, I’m just saying, after 15 years, this is the game Blizz plays. They likely have favorites and it’s kinda obvious who gets what, time after time.

Play what you like, do the content you like and take it as it is.

I just came back and started playing but I main Monk first and always and Holy Pally.

If you really wanna be honest, I just literally started leveling my monk and am Ilvl like 156. My guild kinds fell apart and I xferred off A52 bc those 3 hour wait times are a bummer.

I’ve been playing my Holy Pal this entire xpac tho.

Regardless, doesn’t change what I’m saying. And it sounds like we agree more not.

Point is, leave the embellishment, overexaggeration, ad hominum and other sillyness out of it.

The literal verbatim “go too” for going no where with a discussion.

Tdrl: Atm, only Holy Priest and Monk really have a right to bark super loud. Druid can yelp a little too tho.

oh sorry about that. I shouldn’t be impolite.

But, well, mostly: there is a CLIFF between the output healers and sham/pal right now. And if you go to MW discords, what do people say? “No, its fine it doesnt need to be fixed.”

I’d say Blizz wont probably come with a super-creative way to fix the classes utility. They should instead try to fix the imbalance by tuning up the damage and healing output. If they make rdru, monk and hpriest do substantially more damage and healing than the healers which have loads of utility, its already a thing.

Tuning suggestion:

  • Blizz will hardly change the healers core mid-expansion or add some creative new utility, so tune DPS and healing;
  • Recognize MW, Rdru and Hpriest as OUTPUT healers. They MUST heal more. And they MUST deal more DAMAGE; Use damage as the definitive dial for fix.
  • Drastically tone down HPal damage (outside of damage-specific legendary). Make it deal 200 DPS. Moderately tone down its healing output. Redesign shock barrier to a HOT. If paladins want do focus DPS, they must heavily trade healing (like old MW had to).
  • Also tone down disc damage even more. It already has PI.
  • Make resto shamans very mana hungry. They must pay for their utility somewhere. (though this may end up still scaling bad due to crit).
  • Tune up rdru, mw and holy priest damage to current holy paladin (without dmg legendary) levels. Tone up their healing too.
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That kind of thing would be fine at a high end discussion of trade offs, but the general playerbase would be extremely angry to have a weaker output merely because they have utility.
Without an actual number this can easily collide into making players feel weaker to punish them for spec choice.