Maybe you should grow a company from a small firm to a major international corporation. Then come back and tell us how it went.
Make sure you develop a perfect MMO, while you’re at it.
Maybe you should grow a company from a small firm to a major international corporation. Then come back and tell us how it went.
Make sure you develop a perfect MMO, while you’re at it.
bye bye, none cares really.
Alliance or Horde: it hurts the game. Its not about hurting one faction, it’s that it hurts the very soul of the Classic purpose. This was supposed to be an oldschool nostalgia throwback to a classics version of the game - faction rivalry and original lore included - and this change harms that.
Why are we so obsessed with adding retail features to a classic version of the game… when Shadowlands is right there, available to play, chock full of all these QoL features you want so badly?
This reminds me of a colorblind person claiming that Black and white are the only colors.
Your faction is at 50% in BG wins and wpvp kills. Blizzard released the data and should transfer off your pvp server if you don’t like pvp.
Why is wantint to play who you want to play as being a ‘meta slave’ the only solution for you is to get good.
I would be very surprised if that had any effect. I think they’d be less likely to do that than do nothing.
Listen you little…
I want his gold, you can have his silver and copper.
Breaks are always good.
It’s not that it’s “not easy” - it’s just that Blizzard’s devs are terrible. They have failed time and time again over 15 years. Instead of making Overwatch better + selling content packs … they’re making “Overwatch 2”.
Poor technical leadership - plain and simple.
Oh yeah. That’s also why their best people quit mid-career. Probably sick of their jobs at this point … working for Bobby + his half-baked terrible company. Dude. If you’re still drinking Blizzard’s Kool Aid - you’re part of the problem.
Go watch Baldy + see what he’s got to say ; because he’s right. I’ve also been saying what he’s been saying longer than he has. Why? Because leading software projects & teams is my job.
[ Oh hurr hurr hurr, guy on teh interweb lies on forumz cuz its itnerwebs eye works at taco bell tehrs no possible wai any1 culd be mour sucksesful tehn me. ]
I gain nothing from lying to random people on the internet. So, believe whatever the hell you want. “Facepalm” and “cringy” only if you are a layperson and have 0% understanding of what’s going on here with WoW & the state of the game/design. News flash, bud. Software is software. Whether it is a game or an API. There is good design, there is bad design. Flaws show through. The sources of failure are easy to identify.
This right here - WoW in its current state:
Blizz Activision is operating WoW on a minimal budget, as in - they’ve scraped every bit of meat off the bones of WoW + have maximized profit. WoW is a cash cow on life support.
Poor design decisions are made, and forced down the pipeline. Community complains, makes valid points. Points ignored because there is no one there to hear them.
Quality is lacking due to antiquated engineering patterns combined with the adoption of a modern engineering pattern (CI/CD TDD). Either the modern pattern is not implemented correctly … or it simply does not exist.
I’m not getting paid to dig into this so I really don’t care to prove my point anymore AND I have no interest in helping the Blizzard team improve with uncompensated advice. So ; whatever. Got fatal flaws right there. That’s good enough.
Bro send me ur gold before ur playtime runs out.
if by released u mean just typed it in a message…
Where is the forum post about this?