Just Can Get Into Arena

So I’ve tried signing up for tons of LFG advertisements but no one is accepting me. Anyone else not able to get into arena this expac? Do people just post hoping R1/boosters join their team and play with them or something?

most people expect to play with ppl who are fully geared at this point in the season and also most ppl dont usually want to play with tank specs like brewmaster

if you play mw or ww and gear up you’ll probably get invited

biebz tell them youre glad and you’ll get ez invites

not from me tho, I invite people based on CR not EXP
like yeah you have 3k xp? well go back to elwynn and farm some more, I have over 1 million XP that’s why Im level 80

They’re loss imho

just play shuffle that’s the entire point

It’s probably cuz you’re a monk. No cr monks usually have bad rep.

It’s a new char for TWW I have plenty of experience from prior xpacs

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Alright that guild name is s teir

I’m just here for the free repairs

Huge in North Macedonia too. Keeps it real on the EU acct.

Istanbul is my OG stomping ground

Macedonia is Bulgaria

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More fun (and more correct) fact - North Macedonia is North of Greece, thereby making Greece either South Macedonia or just Macedonia. Bulgaria is East Macedonia and Albania is West Macedonia.

From here on out, all countries in the world shall be named relative to where they are on a map to North Macedonia.

NA renamed to Trumps Macedonia

Someone that actually recognizes and is knowledge in eastern european history.
