Just came back to WoW arenas

Why DH dmg is twice as mine?
Why DH defensives is twice as efficient as mine?
Why DH tools, banish, 2 different stuns, flying, immune to physical (blur), darkness, literally imune to everything ghost thing are far better than my tools?
Why DH mobility is 3 times more efficient than mine?

Why frost dks are doing negative dmg?

Current balance feels like theres no employes working on pvp.


Sounds like a YOU problem. DHs die to warrior raid bosses all the time

Maybe it’s just a coincidence that DH has more than 5 times representation than warrriors. its literally everything about me.


couldnt tell ya. i mained in the last 2 xpacs while warriors destroyed every pvp bracket

dont let this delusional havoc reroll talk down to you brother

justice will come for them soon


Incorrect. I faced warrior is 2s what seemed like 80% of my games last season. If it was a warrior it was an MM hunter or lock. Id like to see warriors be nerfed unplayable for once in 4 xpacs

I was having issues with DH when the season started because the damage was over the top regardless of shutting most of it down, but they seem to be reasonable now.

I’m not 100% on DH mechanics, but I don’t let them channel eye beam ever and that seems to make them struggle a bit.

They are melting me through all defensives both mine or my healer


Mostly because DH’s have been rather trash for most of the season so blizzard letting them be overpowered for a few weeks before they finally decide to actually nerf them. In the mean time now that people are done crying about DH’s they are targeting UHDK’s and Warriors because they still don’t know how to kill us.

dh wants to cancel eye beam for demonic form instantly lol… stopping their eye beam boosts their damage, guy

That metamorphosis proc only lasts 5 seconds, and they are stunned for most or all of that.
They won’t get the big haste buff that comes from a fully channeled eye beam either.

Like I said, not 100% on all DH mechanics. Have never played one, but I don’t think they enjoy having eye beam shut down.

Maybe a DH player can come clarify?

Talk less then

Most of us are currently not speccing the middle of the tree, so we are not taking the eye beam talents. Which means no haste after completion of a channel.

As it stands, it is better to use EB to get into meta and cancel it as quickly as possible for Essence Break. Some will use an empowered fel rush to cancel before the Essence Break to stack modifers to the high heavens.
