I’m talking about before warforging, before TF, before this new corruption stuff.
I’m talking right before (or even including if you want) reforging. I remember in a dev Q+A Ion said that they didn’t like the fantasy idea of getting an item, it being an upgrade, but not really worth using until you brought it back to town. In response, they made enchants less relevant, sockets more rare, and shortly afterward tied stamina to Ilvl.
I believe this is what is fundamentally wrong with the dev mindset. Getting an item that had the potential to be an upgrade and bringing it to town to tweak drove the community aspect of WoW. I love the idea of slaying a boss and then having to put work into a piece to make it worth wearing. Not this grindfest of AP, but actually interacting with the playerbase in order to make an item just right.
TLDR increase the rate of sockets, bring back colored sockets, make enchants important again, give Professions stuff to do to enhance gear again, and stop with the RNG crap on gear.
I’m getting burnt out on borrowed power and multiple systems to try and make gear interesting. It’s not. I don’t loot a chest piece off of a boss and get excited anymore. Instead I have to sim it to see if it’s better or not due to traits. I also don’t like that some essences and traits produce so much of my damage done. I play a warrior. My characters weapon, strength and learned skills (that he doesn’t lose after the expansion ends) should be the cause of the damage he does.
Bring back sockets and tier sets. Toss borrowed power and system layering.
I don’t have a problem with Warforging. You know, the +5 ilvl version of Titanforging. 5 ilvl is more in line with tertiary bonuses like avoidance or leech. I’d say gem sockets too but those are way too powerful for what they are. Maybe in the future they can aim for “gems are worth ~5 ilvl”, who knows?
Anyway, yeah, a little RNG bonus doesn’t bother me.
But Titanforging from LFR to whatever the current ilvl cap is because of sheer luck? No. That’s unacceptable no matter how rare it is. It constantly blurred the lines between difficulties of content, especially in raiding. You’d finish a difficulty after months of progression, only for the base drops of the next difficulty to be meaningless because you have various levels of titanforging in half your slots from the old difficulty.
It turned gearing into a situation where you were constantly chasing TF, not because you HAD to have BiS or anything, but because it was common enough that it actively invalidated the next step up unless that ALSO rolled TF.
Cap that crap at +5.
And the current Corruption replacement for TF?
Mother of god is it a mess. Certain traits are doing half of peoples’ damage. Especially in AoE pulls. This is 10x worse than Titanforging. A crazy good ilvl is helpful, but isn’t as game changing as having a passive doing half of your damage. Then there’s the people who aren’t lucky and get utility corruption instead of good DPS corruption and they’re just useless. No. Bad. It’s a neat idea, but it shouldn’t have been allowed to have this big of an impact.
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The end of MoP also had warforging, but if it didn’t warforge you could manually level it up using valor points.
This, in addition to reforging and all of the customization that came with professions, was an awesome system.
MoP had a lot of awesome systems.
I’d like to see Dungeon and Raid sets again.
I think if they were going to go that route, sockets would need to be static like use to be and not a “bonus” chance. But I am not in favor of class tier sets again. While AZ has it’s issues, it gives the player the ability to build an armor set to support a play style they want instead of the armor telling them one to play.
I support new talent rows in place for the good Azerite traits. You get the traits without RNG.
I agree with most of what’s said here. This game needs to return to regular gear systems of the old and classes to be unpruned, before this game is considerably fun again. The grind fest for everything in this game is just too dam much, on top of classes being the least fun to play in the history of the game with all the pruning.
This is what i don’t understand, why even bother with implementing other corruption traits when one trait is so astronomically better than the others, it’s not like one trait is better for a certain build or spec than the other traits, it’s just that one trait is superior bar none in any given situation to a point where not getting that trait to drop is ten times worse than not getting a TF + socketed piece.
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There is nothing wrong with titan forge and warforging, although I agree gemming should come back. Also think reforging should come back. People against titanforging and warforging just want to keep everything inside raids.
B-but you might have to target a specific dungeon for a BIS item! The horror!
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Dungeons are more fun then raids anyways. I don’t see why anyone enjoys spending hours inside what is basicly just a mega dungeon with 19+ other people some of which will scream at the slightest error.
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some people are just gluttons for punishment either that or one of those sadistic types that enjoys being verbally abused
Raids are epic, sure, but dungeons are definitely more fun. They need to cut down on the flood of mechanics, though, I get that the game is more active than it used to be, but it’s kind of getting out of hand. And this is coming from a rogue, a character who can handle a lot of movement.
Sadly the mechanics are getting flooded in order to keep the content challenging. They are doing it as a never ending battle with addons. The addons makes the content easier so they add more mechanics, addons make those easier, so they add more mechanics. It’s leading to mechanic bloat.
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i really hope gear in shadowlands is just gear. Every slot is just an item with stats. Azerite traits are bad and impossible to balance, what was the point of removing class/spec specific symbols? Just to force players grind more items to fish for bis talents in the giant pool of pieces? That’s not fun.
I do wonder what gearing will be like in 9.0. Hopefully your thread makes an influence.^^
Being able to socket items is a start in 8.3 so that gives me hope.
Idk Azerite gear was sort of fun. Then again I liked having the legiondaries as well… Stat sticks are boring.
doubtful since at this point the only feedback Blizzard cares about comes from “professional” guilds/players if someone from method asked the company would bend over backwards to accommodate them but for the other 99% of players you know the ones that actually keep WoW alive our feedback means nothing
Looks like we have some convincing to do.