Just Another Case of Access Violation

Hey all - joining the din of those suffering through Access Violation crashes. I’ll echo the sentiments shared by most of feeling increasingly desperate about the situation.

ASUS Z690-P WIFI Motherboard
i9-12900k 3.20 Ghz CPU
Windows 11 Home

GPU Drivers - Clean Install, DDU Uninstall, Clean Install. Even clean installed the one from today.
BIOS Update - Downloaded the most recent BIOS update.
Windows Update - Most Up-to-Date Windows 11 Home
Additional Updates - Basically all additional updates made available by settings, stuff like Audio Drivers and the like.
then I began suspecting hardware
sfc /scannow came up clean
DISM check came up clean
Booted into MemTest86 and completely passed - RAM’s fine
Full Malware scans - no virus or malware to speak of.
then off to the local pc shop for unrelated issues, lovely tech helped me out

My PC is now fully updates across the board (BIOS, Drivers, OS, etc.) and all its hardware listed above has been independently assessed for good health. Computer’s running better than ever - except WoW keeps crashing. Access Violations.

Can anyone better-versed in reading dxdiag info potentially help me spot the culprit? Pastebin below.

Closing thought: I’ve read the stickied recommended of using XTU to lower clocking on 13th and 14th gen Intel CPU’s but have not carried out this recommendation since I’m 12th gen. If anyone with a 12th gen has used XTU to successfully resolve this, please let me know!

The DxDiag is only reporting that the GPU stopped taking commands from Windows. You could try running it in Debug mode through the nVidia Control Panel (it’s in one of the menus) to see if that fixes it. If it does, it means there is an unstable overclock or driver issue.

Am immensely relieved to see your name pop up - thank you for the insight in my case and in general for all the great advice and paths forward you provide other players.

I’ve found DeBug mode in the NVIDIA Control Panel - will toggle it on and run WoW/other games to see how that goes.

In the event debug mode works, and we can safely conclude there’s an unstable overclock or driver issue, is there anything you recommend I do in order to clearly identify the issue and go about fixing it?

Thanks again.

If debug works, you can try using Display Driver Uninstaller to remove all driver remnants and reinstall the newest ones. And then if you encounter crashes again, you’ll need software to change the overclock permanently. Since that falls beyond the scope of this forum, you will likely need to seek out a forum/subreddit dedicated to GPU adjustments.

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