Just Another 92 Days

After playing the stress test you will definitely want to level in a group. In bfa when doing a world quest with 100 people in the area, the mobs respawn every 3 seconds or so. Not the case in classic. Full respawn timers regardless of the 200 people sitting there waiting for a boar to spawn.

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It’s alright yo, I know where we can get all those livers. The bulk of the populace focuses on those little yellow ones in Westfall. There’s another set of boars that drop it too…but they are…higher level.

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I am going to have to call BS on that.

The scryer elevator was 200% better because you didn’t have to ride it down. You could jump down without dying from the Scryer side…

The pile of skeletons at the base of the Aldor elevator is what made it great.

Pretty sure he’s talking about the Aldor death factor lol. I tricked more people than I can possibly count by jumping off Aldor Rise as a paladin. They’d see me jump, and follow right behind…not realizing I was going to bubble and they were going to die…:grin:

Crafting? Hide of the Wild, lvl 52 cloak. Arcanite Reaper, lvl 58 blue axe. Game changers… How does that compare to the Eng helm, the belts/ legs, JC rings, or alch trinket that are all best in slot for most specs at half the farm time/ cost?

Honor? Sorry, being the top 20 people for your server in honor gained for several weeks/ months straight is not a viable gear path.

Raiding? 3 pieces per boss, 40 people in raid. It was a small miracle to even see the piece you were looking for. Not counting there being 4-6 other members of your class that also need it.

But I can see the appeal of waiting weeks or months or years for that one special upgrade. It probably felt great. Which is good, because there is nothing to replace it until BC… Super fun.

Lol, alright bro, you can keep your glorified slot machine game. I’m sure it’ll be around for awhile yet, if anything, Classic may contribute to the ongoing development of “content patches” where every six months you get a shiny new lever to pull for your machine.

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I didn’t get to do the stress test because I was at work, but I was able to log on after that and mess around.

I made a hunter and leveled up to 5, and then I made a human to check out that zone. Turns out there was a raid of 20-30 horde (level 5 horde) who’d made the trip from Kalimdor to raid Northshire. So we made a counter-raid and engaged them in the kobold mine.

It ended up being this massive battle, all levels 1-5 with like 2 abilities on their bars, pushing back and forth. PUSH!!! PUSH INTO THE MINES!!! FOR THE ALLIANCE!!! I’m standing back there on my lvl 1 priest raid-healing behind a pillar and sitting down to regen mana. So funny.


I’m still mad they removed my unarmored mounts for no real reason.

But I still plan to play the heck out of it. Can’t we just party share the livers?

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I’m looking forward to seeing you guys in game and playing the full thing. I just hit 30 on my second char in beta, re remembering the leveling paths, so i can help if you get stuck and don’t know where to go :+1:


I think someone wrote jealous on my forehead

Why is this in the BG forum …classic won’t even have BGs until 2020…lol fml

Planning our AV strats early.


Classic is a HUGE problem!


Because this is the only forum that matters, it’s a HUGE problem.


I’ll give you that, but classic is to slow and inaccessible to be a problem for me and most of the player base.

Shouldn’t we just be talking about how much fun it is to kill gnomes and Blood elf’s?

Alright here’s what we’ll do.

The peeps on PST time will queue first. When it’s time for us to go to bed, MT will take over, then CST, then EST.

We’ll beat old school AV in shifts. Although, I don’t think we’re really getting that version of it.


YUGE! It’s as big as Ch-ch-ch-china! You have so infected me with this…

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Now you’ve put Tom Segura’s “hotel room” standup segment in my head, which I can’t link here.

:poop:… is gonna itch… on you.

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