Until being decked out in crafted greens, enchanted with minor beast slayer, having all your skills purchased to the max for your level and having all your bag slots filled makes you a boss.
It was a simpler time.
A better time.
Until being decked out in crafted greens, enchanted with minor beast slayer, having all your skills purchased to the max for your level and having all your bag slots filled makes you a boss.
It was a simpler time.
A better time.
Just remember to keep track of your dragon kill points so you can potentially get divvied some good raid gear every tenth raid or so.
Check out the savix vs asmongold wsg from the beta. It’s just a completely different game and one I am thoroughly looking forward to.
He needed to make a fire, but could not, because he forgot to learn level 1 cooking.
I see your video and raise you the best classic video ever created
Then everybody git to Club Thrall
My most recent thought was about bag space…
That said, watching some streamers do ‘large scale’ world PvP has somewhat renewed my overall interest.
Until slow slow slow WoW comes back…yay!
Premades v premade! Yeah it’s so different they don’t have mounts or a full skill bar. Feels good man!
I love illegal danish! lol
Remember this one?
I mean, you can stick with retail and portal everywhere across the world everywhere instantly. World of Warcraft: Battle For Loading Screens. Those turtles are waiting for you, they need to be saved, again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
Didn’t you have to beg the almighty leader to get loot at the end of a raid or dungeon run ?
You don’t now? I hop in a dungeon on a gearing alt praying for overgeared players of the same weapon/armor type
Well you get your own loot now … from what I hear you got no loot in vanilla except what the leader decided to give you .
No, Classic actually had more avenues to get items than you do now. You could also choose to not be in that kind of guild.
Ok I never played it so I will take your word for it.
My guild always distributed to who needed it. It was always agreed to go that way. Gearing tanks/heals was priority, after that, dps by need (and dependent on what dropped of course). Never had any issues, unlike dkp guilds I had friends in with constant drama.
How does/will leveling work?
Since we’re all doing a variety of races, is it possible to meet up and level together?
I don’t mind (honestly looking forward to it) a long, arduous journey from the dwarf/gnome starting zone to wherever.
You should give it a shot, there’s much more to the old game than “nostalgia”, as to why it coming back is popular.
I’ll be running my nelf butt in from Darn.