Last I heard pallys were too afraid to touch anything that’s why they prefer to hide in their safe space bubble and smash their faces on the keyboard and voila enemy is gone, no brain was ever used.
someone get this man a bib and some milk
You left out “for now” paladins never stay top tier in any expansion past first big patch been that way since wrath after icc tier made ret palies walking blenders.
This degraded into a mudslinging match fast. Can’t we just agree that for Blizzard annoying mechanics = fun!
while mans post on an alt, literally in his safe space
smells like irony in here
As a Mistweaver Monk I agree with the Holy Paladin. Melee healing is hard enough without extra anti-melee affixes to worry about. And healing full melee groups is terrible now.
Pali has always had 2 or 3 good specs for years get over yourself.
So casters get punished by volcanic and melees get punished by abilities that are built into a mobs kit as well as affixes. Off the top of my head - icy bindings from NW, the bucking rampage from Tirna Scythe, the spinny things from Mechagon wing of DOS.
Wow, being a caster sure is hard. It’s almost like more people play melee because it provides more engaging gameplay because it involves moving in conjunction with abilities rather than just sitting in one position and spamming ice lance.
Anyway it’s nice you came to troll on a thread and don’t address any of the criticism at your previous post but I shouldn’t hold trolls to a good standard of posting.
this is my main i’ve just got back to wow from a 20 year break and i’m already 2.5k glad killing level 60’s, i’ve lost about 1/2 million of my braincells whenever i log in on this pally
Worst part about being a Holy Pally during weeks like these.
Just makes no sense to not run an all-ranged group but that just bones my mastery, critically reducing my HPS.
This self-victimization is the most hilarious thing to me.
Paladins have consistently been Blizzard’s golden child for almost a decade now. Not only do paladins have absurd amounts of utility and self-sustainability, making them prime tanks for endgame progression, but you also have the strongest single-target healing in the game and your four button rotation allows you to put out top ranking DPS. It has been this way for as long as I can remember.
Sit down.
Yeah, right. Ranged has the same, but also they have to cast 1.5-2 sec casts, dodging the same stuff.
You were never on conveyor belt duty on Blackfuse so you’re not allowed to complain.
More like you aren’t worth it. As if I actually gave a crap about your opinion of me.
Being a caster is actually a lot harder than playing any given melee. Especially in past expansions, casters have been fodder in PvP and especially in mythic+ have been very uncompetitive outside fire mages.
Melee also solo way better and faster. They have higher defenses and self sustain and aren’t as badly affected by knockbacks or interrupts.
Before we were decked out in corrupted gear, who was the S and A tier specs soloing visions?
Many people just want to play what is easy and effective. That is literally the reason why melee are so abundant in this game. While also anecdotally, I know of way more caster to melee rerolls than melee to caster. In fact I literally can not think of anyone from Legion to today who went caster over melee.
When did I say the nerfs killed the class?
I’m just pointing out all the other “broken” stuff (pally burst in bubble killing super fast, Convoke procing full moon crits with coupled with instant cast starsurge killing in half a second, Warrior intervene being the most powerful defensive tool, monks just straight pumping) hasn’t been touched yet even though better players than myself want some adjustments made.
Plus Rogues are the worst pure DPS class vs every other pure DPS. None of our specs come close in PvE to MM hunter, Fire Mage or Affliction Lock. Toss in the fact UH DK has the same magic immunity and does way more dps there is 0 reason to raid with Rogues. We’re basically just brought in M+ for shroud.
Keep posting memes though if it helps you deal with not being able to press turtle fast enough to die to a “one shot” that takes 4 seconds to kill.
You get Warrior isn’t a pure DPS class right? It has a tank spec. I’m comparing Rogue to Mage, Lock and Hunter. The other pure DPS classes.
Well, looks like you’ve summed up all your posts on this thread.
/wavedash back
Think whatever you want. Not like you actually have a chance to counter my arguments. It is pretty clear you don’t have any actual experience playing a caster in any kind of modern content.
But you “win” because I have to go start my day and won’t be around for awhile