Just admit SD was a fail concept

That is true. Speccially on Tarvold. Awful camera there

I agree it is one of the tougher dungeons, although I prefer it over tyrannical DOS. As far as previous expansions, Kings Rest (BFA) and seat of the triumvirate (legion) were similar or more difficult imo depending on affixes compared to the other dungeons at the time. All in all, I really do enjoy SD in its current form when I’m playing my hunter but it’s hard as balls on my Hpal lol.

Another week, nobody wants to do sanguine depths.

Yal need to just nerf this dungeon please. At least fix the gauntlet and make some of the mobs not spawn affixes like storming or sanguine.

This is just ridiculous that it has taken this long and still no changes

While sd remains the hardest your post is made invalid by the fact you are tossing lies into it. Blizzard has made changes to sd in fact quite a number of them and some quite significant. The difficulty of sd is no where close to where it was week 1 now days.

The gauntlet also has been nerfed no not in the way you asked for it to be but that is massivly different than it not being changed.

Looking at current stats based on highest comp level sd is only two levels behind the easiest run one level behind the avg and on par with one other place.

At this point people don’t run sd less so since it’s significantly harder truly but since the avg player is less practiced at it making it feel significantly harder when it’s only slightly harder at this point. Added with the fact there is little reason to do sd over hoa or mist to fill the vault why would people run it. Unless sd was nerfed to be eaiser than mists people wouldent run it for the vault as they will always pick the path of least reactance. As there is no real item in sd people “need” least enough to draw enough to make a large diff sd will be latterly avoided even if rather significant nerfs happened.

As such why should it be nerfed more if it wouldent change anything the diff is already close to the other ones for people that push while being the hardest and there will always be a hardest so it being the hardest is not really a reason to nerf it.

In its nerfed state and it has been significantly since shadowlands start, hell its even been significantly nerfed since the op was posted even, it’s fine and hardly the outlier it used to be. Last significant nerf was on the 19 of ap the op was on the 17th. This nerf also added a significant nerf that applys to Grev weeks.

The only failed part was the super tight corridors and ceilings. Learning how to manage your camera is tedious.

This is a terrible dungeon for most affixes. The color palette for most of the instance is awful for sanguine and the normal pools that are left, the hallways are awful for storming, and overall zero attention was paid to this place in terms of camera angles.

If you’re going to design narrow hallway encounters, they need to be offset with very tall ceilings. and this place ignores that premise completely.

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