Just add RDF

I simply want a change of scenery. In between questing, I like to hop in a dungeon and get exp and do the dungeon quest as well as get some gear. It’s so inconvenient to attempt to find a group at it’s current model. I don’t understand the anti-RDF group, like it personally offends them or something. Like they are forced to use it.


They sent out a survey near the end of TBC Classic asking if they should keep RDF in Wrath, and, according to Blizzard, the majority said no. Since then, they have not re-polled the players, no.

No survey has mentioned rdf.

It would have been leaked.

Not to mention I got every survey they sent including the Cata 1.


Interesting, since there’s no record of this survey anywhere on Google.


This survey has never existed.


LOL - that’s not real.

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That was fake lmfao.

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Sent 09/2022 to players.

Classic leveling isn’t “quick & easy.” That’s part of its charm.

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What are you trying to say? This has nothing to do with RDF lol.


Check again

Where does it mention RDF?


What charm? The leveling zones are dead. You’ll come across a couple players at most, this is on Grobbulus too. Many months into the release of WoTLK… No one cares about slow leveling anymore, if you do, you have too much time on your hands.

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It was for raid finder searching for RDF now.

You can try again, but you’ll be searching a while.

Heck, that survey is for Cataclysm.

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Again… that’s Raid Finder, not RDF.


That’s not dungeon finder bro

That was also part of the cataclysm classic survey

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Here’s the full survey for cata classic tho.

Nothing mentions RDF.

Infact this “imaginary” RDF survey people said blizzard did doesn’t exist, it has no screen shots on sites like Wowhead where every other survey has pictures of.

I have gotten every single survey they did and none of them mention RDF. I even got this cata classic survey.