Just a thought on horde and alliance

A lot of people see it as good Vs evil but imo the reason why I like horde is because I’m often told even in real life that I have a very “tribal” personality. I’m not 100% sure what that means but my guess is having the heart of a lion and being very loyal to family. Which honestly is something that both factions have in common. But they certainly act more fierce. This is just a happy thought thread. Just thought I’d say there’s multiple layers to the reason why someone might choose a faction.

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I chose the good guys


who do you hang out with that you often get told this? what does this even mean

No one sees it as that now that Garrosh and Sylvanas are out of the picture

Except the people who let their RP bleed over into real life, but, we don’t talk about them…

That’s certainly how Blizzard has seen it recently.

I’m not sure if this was a jab at me or not, but it’s more like I let my real life bleed into my very minimal RP. A bit easier to RP if you feel like your playing yourself. Atleast imo.

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I play Horde more than Alliance simply because i’ve put too much effort into my Orcs and i just feel more connected to the Horde due to being a social pariah and outcast in RL.


It was until about Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, though Blizzard seemed keen to return to that mentality with Battle for Azeroth.

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I main a mechagnome so main what you want to play. :robot::+1:

…just don’t be creepy or toxic. :v::robot:

I think it’s cool that Orcs are this universe’s Klingons. That’s just where I want to be, not with the uptight goody-two-shoes who are only perfect because the writers never force the kind of choice on them that would make them otherwise.


Kinda funny they avoid the worf effect. Still a shame for the poor elves. :scroll::robot:


I don’t really know Star Trek lingo so I’m not sure what this means. I’m guessing this means generic person? Not bad, or good, just there?

Klingon is just the warrior race of that universe.

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I never saw it as good vs evil, I saw it as pretty vs… not pretty :grin: .

Actually, since way back in vanilla, I saw the Alliance as a strong alliance of unique but civilized societies and the Horde as the a loose group of disparate, and desperate, outcasts.

(Now, I feel like they are all being homogenized to some extent.)

That’s not a bad way to look at it. But if more people saw it that way I’m a little bit surprised there isn’t more horde than alliance. I’d suspect that a large portion, if not most would feel like outcasts in society but maybe I’m wrong… I know I certainly feel that way.

I’m just glad that both sides have learned to get along.


Quick aside:

I thought this was interesting take because while each of characters do have at least some small bit of me, they also allow me to play out things I actually find ‘not good’ in real life.

For instance, my hunter is more introverted then extroverted like me but she loves hunting, the idea of which I find repellent in real life but enjoy as her.


This! So much this! Sometimes I feel like the devs and quest writers are constantly insulting the players because they don’t understand this nuance. I wouldn’t go out and kill things either (except maybe a male bear, because that actually helps bears) but I enjoy it in a fantasy setting. I even enjoy fishing in a fantasy setting. It’s so relaxing. But I would never do it in real life. Grabbing them by a hook in their mouths, yikes.


Is your hunter what you RP with the most?

I head role-play on all my characters.

For me, going on adventures as different characters is pretty much the point of playing different characters in this game.

(I used to play pnp Palladium back in the day and this is as close I as can get to it in a virtual world.)