Just a thought about Gladiator

it’s a temporary title so wouldn’t it make more sense for people to get it early on, and then those players would know who to look for to push rank 1 etc? but instead, i feel like the mmr is just so off that its more of an end game goal, but you never get to keep the title unless its rank 1 so it kinda negates the purpose.

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yeah man ‎‎

you don’t like having a temporary title every season you get gladiator? surely blizzard would add more rewards right

You get the mount tho? Isn’t that permanent enough?

Then get it sooner? I don’t understand what you’re asking here.

He’s asking it’s a temporary title so wouldn’t it make more sense for people to get it early on, and then those players would know who to look for to push rank 1 etc? but instead, i feel like the mmr is just so off that its more of an end game goal, but you never get to keep the title unless its rank 1 so it kinda negates the purpose.

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ill keep my Rival title. really throws them off when i roll out on my vicious saddle mount.


Oh, it’s biebz.

to be clearer I was saying that glad should be faster to achieve that way people can make teams to push rank 1 etc. but the mmr seems to be super under atm.

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for some reason blizzard likes inflation except the inflation doesnt actually happen because no one wants to play because the season is deflated (lol)


Two edits? Who are you, Dozer?

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Are you?

I asked you first

Well I know that youre not Dozer for sure because you appropriately used a comma.


A ploy, to throw you off.

Dang it you, caught me

Hopefully the ask is for earlier inflation, so that goals are achievable before the last months. I just started pushing for legend because there was no point in farming it early on which is weird…

That doesn’t happen in other games like overwatch or valorant, if you were Diamond the season before you can get Diamond again early into the season.

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