Unsettling was the cool breeze which meandered through the streets of Stormwind. It swirled around the gazebo where the sermons are held, almost like it was listening, then towards the mage district where it entered the Blue Recluse. The breeze entered every nook and cranny before leaving back towards the city’s center. Here it entered another building where it swirled around a strange train like contraption. Ten buttons buttons suddenly lit up on the device. Unseen calculations began to churn as the mechanism began to whirl. A tiny train began to move and coffee started to brew… ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten… the room filled with the best smelling coffee ever. The breeze then left the building and then vortexed up in to the sky, a faint echo might be heard… ‘amok’…
((Thank you all for many fun filled years, but alas some things need to end. Keep the RP going and stay good. Not saying goodbye, just going to fade away and maybe some day return. But don’t hold your breath))
Who’s going to run amok for us now? 
Awwww, we’ll miss you. We’ll be sure to cause Orwyn all the trouble we can in your absence.
Ash sat atop the battlement, her bare legs dangling over the edge. The last time she perched here, the barracks were in ruins. It had been her favourite place in the city. Still was, even though she was less fond of the new building. She loved watching ships sail in and out of port and the scurry of sailors and dockhands along the harbour. Even from this distance, she could see the longshoremen were preparing the Kraken for her next voyage.
A cool breeze suddenly gusted up from the direction of Lion’s Rest. Ash’s chest felt tight and pointed as if her armour was too small and need of a good buffing. But she wasn’t wearing armour. She clutched at the unadorned bodice of her embersilk dress. Short of breath, a wave of loss pressed hard on her core.
She whispered with wonder and affection. And hope.
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It was nice sneaking out of the office during at the lull. She’d finally found a relatively secluded spot away from foot traffic on one of the lower levels of Booty Bay. Kezrin dangled her feet over the ledge of one of the boardwalks, enjoying a quick treat and the ocean breeze. Naturally, someone had to come find her.
“Kezrin! Miss Kanzelry!”
Cori Sprocketquill regarded the goblin curiously. “Did you just drop something?”
“Nope, didn’t drop anythin’.”
“Pretty sure I saw something fall out of your hands. And there was a ker-plunk.”
“It was a rock. And I, uh, threw it, not dropped it.”
“Okay then! You’re needed back up in the office to sign some stuff!”
“I’ll be right there.”
Kezrin sighed and looked down into the water where she’d lost her small cup and spoon. They had to be ditched, though.
There was no way on Azeroth she was ever letting anyone know she actually liked pistachio pudding.
((We’ll miss you, and all the trouble you’ve caused
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((I’ve been thinking about writing this post for a while. It’s been difficult to put my feelings and thoughts into words because I’ve known the player for so long and consider her a friend. I was greatly saddened to hear she was leaving WoW. Upon reflection, the difficulty I had comes from how to fully express the fundamental fact that Noikona has been one of the finest people I have had the privilege of meeting from playing WoW.
She is kind, creative, reasonable, and trustworthy. These characteristics that make her such a great person also made her character a great villain. It wasn’t just that she “played well” with the Watch (although that was always greatly appreciated). It was that the character was three-dimensional, with consistent motives for her actions that made sense given her perspective. It was always satisfactory tangling with her for those reasons - and the Watch tangled with her often. I don’t believe there was another character who influenced the Watch’s RP so much and for such a long period. Eventually she joined the Stormwind Union with alts, and even led our raid team through one expansion. All of the characteristics that made the character Noikona a great antagonist also made her a tremendous asset to the guild.
Her departure is, without question, a loss to the server, and it’s sad. However, she is still out there IRL being herself, so in the grand scheme of things, it’s not a loss at all. I hope everyone who knows her IRL realizes how fortunate they are to do so. I bet they do.))