Jurisdiction Lives

Well blizz just did a pass on removing all melee range extension talents and jurisdiction survived the purge.

Looks like they intend on our range to stay instead of improving our mobility.

Except they removed the Talent that increased the range on our Crusader Strike and Rebuke.

So now instead of Ret being consistently a 20 yard range Spec, Ret now has numerous abilities that have different ranges again.

Blizzard is just making changes to make changes, without putting an ounce of thought into WHY they’re making these changes.

Now instead of Ret having consistent 20-yard range on their abilities, which helps them to use their support abilities and act as off-healers, Ret will now have to juggle the range at which they can attack.

This is a terrible change that will only make Ret feel clunky, and punish Ret players for trying to offheal and use their entire kit.

For some specs it made sense to reduce their melee range, but Paladin is NOT a melee class, Paladin is a 20 yard range Class like Evoker, and they’ve been that way for many years now.

EDIT: Oh god, it affects Prot and Holy Pally too!

This is an abysmal change that make the entire Class significantly more frustrating to play, and it doesn’t even make the Paladin range make more sense, it just makes the class more clunky.

Dude, it just removed a little range of CStrike and rebuke… It’s hardly noticeable

Please make ur title more clear OP so more people can comment on this.

On the topic at hand, this is abysmal step back, with how much they favor people not being in melle range( almost every dung has a mob that casts abilities around themselves, some even have bosses) and going through with this change is acctualy insane. Specialy for ret because our auto attacks are big source of our holy power.

Whoever made this change just wants to give meele a big slap across the face, seeing as how already no meele class is S tier for a long time, we can see what type of dps dung favors, also remember when tank pulls 10 mobs and u can’t see a damn thing but u have to stand inside just to auto attack, that should be fun.

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We still have 12 yards to effectively maintain our rotation.

That’s. A privilege only ret has.

We’re fine

What talent is it that currently gives that? Drawing a blank.

Between the two to get trimmed, Jurisdiction and Crusader’s Reprieve, they chose the correct one to get rid of. Melee range extenders did NOT play well with how bosses/mobs are coded which is why Prot lost the melee range extension.

We still have to move out of aoe effects in dungeons and raids, our extended range on our spenders and hammer kit is still as effective as it currently is. We’ll just have to get used to standing a bit closer than we have.

Crusader’s reprieve.

Just added laughably low range to CStrike and rebuke. It’s nothing

Ret paladins had always been a melee spec. The 20 yard range phenomena had only started in a little after DF. We are also still in alpha, jurisdiction is not safe yet.

That is if you choose CSAA. They are buffing TS a bit in TWW. And CS + Auto untalented theoritically does more dps then CSAA, CSAA just gives a convenience of auto hp generation.

Paladins have been mix ranged since vanilla.

Judge and HoW always been 30 yards, then exo was usable as 30 yards also until they killed it.

Then legion gave us boj and wake

Even before jurisdiction FV had range.

If anything aoe keeps us at melee

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It might not have been noticeable to you, but I can feel the difference immensely and it will severely impact my ability to properly min/max while also supporting my groups.

Ull be fine man …

CR, is insanely low range

Using a ton of abbreviated terms makes your post unreadable.

I main Paladin and I have no idea what you mean with all of those terms.

CSAA = Crusader Strike Auto Attack?

Just take the extra 2 seconds and type in a way that other people can understand what you’re saying.

on 2 spells that you can use on any target, one that acted as an execute spell. (can only be used at a certain health left threshhold.)

Back then it only worked on certain mob archtypes. It was a flavor spell then anything else.

BoJ was a 12 yard range spell, and wake is around 8-14 yardish. not really outside the normal melee threshhold.

12 yard range. it was 12 yards. And previously it was an optional pick up and not a forced on everyone like it is now.


CSAA is the forum used abbreviated of that yes. This is not new. TS stands for templar strikes.

Or you could ask politely/ examine the forums use of the abbreviations instead of making demands.

Either way I don’t mind answering said request anayways /shrugs.

Well actually exo was usable on all targets in wrath after launch.

I think with removing CR, we’ll have the melee feel you’ve been wanting.

The problem is we don’t have good mobility and we need a way to reach out target and I doubt they’ll give us death grip

Jurisdiction is our gap closer


True, but if I remember correctly it still had a cast time on it then? I don’t recall wraths paladins properly because I swapped to DK’s during that time.

Not really, having FV and BoJ still being 20 yard range is still a bit too much for paladins. And I do yearn for a proper paladin gap closer.

CR range never really bothered me much since we did used a 2-hander which generally is longer then 1-handers, so it made some sense we had a slightly longer range. 20 yards+ on most of abilities is too much though.

I don’t think death grip would be an answer for paladins with what the grip implies lol.

It had a cast time but art of war procs made it instant.

What I mean is we need a gap closer.

Either we charge our target or grip them. They don’t wanna give any of those two so we’re stuck with assorted range as our gap closer.

Believe me I’d rather have wings of liberty but it is what it is


I think wings of liberty is still an option or fallen sword for that matter (although fallen sword is more of a mobility spell then a gap closer)

Jurisdiction was given to us as a band-aid for the lack of gap closers in mid-DF. This is alpha, and they are making new talents and adjusting others. I have hopes they will give us what we need to function as a melee then keep us in this odd limbo of in-between range/melee weirdness. We Have a big weapon after all, let us use it more!

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Get rid of JV. Make FV melee range.

Then cap stone talent between jurisdiction and wings of liberty.

And we’d need a 50% constant slow at minimum of we have wings of liberty.


Soooo, like every other melee?