Jurassic World Dominion Spoilers


The Locust Plot basically demonstrates Malcolm’s statement about Inherited Knowledge.

Creating Dinosaurs weren’t Inherited Knowledge but Invented Knowledge. The guys who got ideas from it like Dodgson were the ones inheriting Knowledge.

Malcolm was smart enough to know that and was also smart enough to know that Automation & Computers was the actual Inherited Knowledge that Hammond was dabbling recklessly in not the Dinosaurs.

If Hammond didn’t waste effort on Automation he would have had a more stable Jurassic Park.

Since he was the inventor of designing unseen creations like Dinosaurs he was careful with what exactly he was creating to make sure he got something safe. A reckless inventor would have gotten himself killed making just one unspeakable creation which might not see the light of day.

Hammond was not reckless with his creations(I.E. not creating something that could be an immediate threat) and was only reckless with the Automation which he didn’t invent.

He was careful in designing his creations(despite not being able to resolve the hiccup of them breeding) but not careful in regards to Automation.

The Inventors of Knowledge are the safest ones to hold it but the Inheritors will be reckless with it just as Hammond was for Automation and Dodgson was for Monster Creation.

Jurassic Park hit us on the head with Chaos Theory while Jurassic World Dominion hit us on the head with the dangers of Inherited Knowledge.

Incidentally the Portal and Half Life Franchise also teaches us the dangers of Inherited Knowledge:

Aperture which refuses to stand on the shoulders of giants was only a threat to it’s own test subjects(at least until the 2nd President was appointed upon which she decided to kill everyone) while Black Mesa which stole everyone’s ideas caused the Combine Invasion endangering the entire planet.