June 9 PvP Class Tuning

Outlaws rotting corpse doesnt deserve buffs. Last thing we need is another s teir rouge spec

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sub and outlaw swapping places would actually be better for the game overall imo


Now we talkin


Please let me get down from the cross I didn’t even PLAY Shadowdust leggo-

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After it got nerfed I think a lot of people swapped to one of the pistol shot ones.

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I used them before they were cool (and I was very happy to see them folded into the talent tree).

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I think you mean redistribute Devoker damage :thinking:

It’s not like Devoker by itself is running over the ladder


It really would be. Outlaw doesn’t have that shadowdust nonsense anymore, and we don’t have a billion vanishes and shadow dances either like sub does.

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you mean DK’s right?

As a hpal, dks are the most oppressive thing ive ever known, more than hitler ever was to the jews. Just thank god there is none above 1k rating :stuck_out_tongue:

So that’s it? They really gonna go through with not posting any more class changes this week? How you gonna sit back and be like, yup, DK is in a good place right now :slight_smile: . I think we’re ready for this highly balanced competitive game to launch the AWC. ???

I want a genuine apology from them and solutions to make it better. How are they planning to make healer lives better

what changes?

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Yeah. We got tuning this week which probably means earliest we see more notes is…the 23rd?

True that sure did shake up the meta big time …

like to see dks be spell eaters again
healing needs revisited from the ground up with re-evaluation to every healer’s kit while communicating amongst the design team so they can all either have their own niche utility or be redesigned to be on par relative to each other in pvp
new game mode that isn’t a tdm style would be cool
tanks rebuilt from the ground up to be bruisers (sac dam reduc for dam increases) instead of dragonslayers in pvp
delete rogues
rebuild fury to not be a brainless ape damage bot
delete precog
increase gap closer CDs on melee

this is my crackhead plan and i can brainstorm more since im being forced to do computer based training at work for 8 hours straight instead of allowed to leave since we have no work to actually do


New BG please.


Ww needs defensive buffs

Surv needs defensive buffs

Feral needs defensive buffs

Fury war self healing nerfs

Sub more damage nerfs

Outlaw buffs

MW more healing nerfs

Dk buffs

what’s the basis for this