[June 7th] Can't log back in / World server down issues

Exactly the same problem. It seemed to start about 10-15 minutes ago when I closed my game and the Battle.net client downloaded some small amount of data.

Beware logging out and closing your game, everybody! Whatever it downloaded seems to have broken the ability to log in.

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Agreed! This is most definitely NOT solved.

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not solved. still can not login here.

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Same exact issue on Old Blanchy Classic Server. See the characters. Can’t log into any of them. Can’t create a new one. First time this has happened.

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I’m on Old Blanchy as well, can’t get in. However, my wife’s characters and our guildies don’t have any issue getting in. I have no clue what the difference is.

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Yerp I have a whole lot of guildies in game atm. It seems logging out is the issue. Warn them not to log out what so ever right now. Guess we have to wait it out.

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Kurinaxx is hit as well, can’t log on, but others on the server seem to have no issue?

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Thunderfury & Arcanite Reaper, all characters get “Character Not Found” after taking a very long time to load.

Retail works fine.

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Yeah I tried to log into retail as well. Worked just fine (even though I don’t play retail atm). I did though find another thread with some retail players hitting the same problem.

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my guildies are still playing. only me can not login

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Would be nice to play the game blizzard…

  1. Restarted Blizzard Launcher several times, no effect
  2. Restarted my PC, no effect
  3. Backed up and then deleted C:\ProgramData\Battle.net\Agent\data\cache folder, was able to logon.

The last item done may be just circumstantial, but I am logged in now.


Can confirm, I’m in, although I deleted the entire classic folder and then replaced my backed up Interface and WTF folders.

Can also confirm. I literally went in and deleted my entire classic folder. Then logged into battle.net and let it replace the folder. Took a few seconds. Was able to log in. You rock @Ellyse