July 8 Alpha Build 35708: DEMO INTERRUPT ON FG + Blue post + tldr livestream

Do you mind if I just copy and paste all of this into my compilation feedback thread original post in a quote?

I’ll do a rewrite if not or whatever like I’ve done with other feedback

edit: new kalamazi video


so for affliction they just buffed agony?.. really?

edit: affliction does not need or want shadowbolt. why are they still forcing it on us

Go for it. Either is fine

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A fell hunter that kills your dps if you want to use it. Stop talking about classes you know nothing about.


its true I seen sephuz in the creation as well. I think they are bringing back legion legendaries. If they do that thry should allow us to forge thunderfury amd sulfuras in sl but yea interrupt will probably be the last thing they do for demo. In the beta they focused primarily on content to fish iut the bugs before release

I just don’t understand this aversion to letting Warlocks (Demonology in particular) have a baseline interrupt. The Axe Toss change is turning to face the right direction, but not enough to call it a step in the right direction in my opinion. It’s beyond flavour at this point, Blizzard. It’s just annoying and in many cases punishing not to have one, even in some solo content. And the salt in the wound is that we don’t understand the logic of it. Could you at least tell us why you feel that Warlocks should be either effectively devoid of an interrupt or have it attached to our pets?

I don’t want this to sound negative and whiny, but I think it’s as important to express when something about gameplay feels punishing or aggravating as it is to say when things feel rewarding and fun. By and large, the previews and things that we’ve seen for Warlocks has me very excited for the new expansion, but the interrupt thing is a sticking point that leaves an increasingly bad taste in my mouth.

I also don’t understand why the interrupt that we do have has to be attached to a pet. Interrupts are incredibly valuable when needed, and while it has a 40 yard range, attaching it to a pet means that it’s subject to that pet being within that 40 yard range AND Line of Sight. While this usually isn’t a problem, I’m sure we can all attest to times when your pet was on a target elsewhere unbeknownst to you and then has to run into range. This also means that you can instruct it to interrupt, causing to run toward your target and only cast once it’s in range by which time the spell to be interrupted has long gone off. I know that this is something a good Warlock should be in control of, but accidents happen, and the bigger point is that it’s an extra hassle that no other class really has to deal with.

The other major problem with having an interrupt attached to a pet is that it means that the interrupt is subject to that pet’s GCD. I’ve had many times where I’ve had my Felhunter out and within range, but because some other ability had gone off, the interrupt fails to cast. Or worse, the interrupt misses the window and casts as the next spell cast, missing the interrupt AND taking my cooldown.

Both this and the range issue are sometimes a problem in PvE, but are extremely prominent in PvP situations. Interrupts just require far too tight of a window to accurately rely on pets for an interrupt.

The last problem I have with the interrupt being the Felhunter calling card is that it is by far more valuable than any of the other command demon abilities. Why not focus on the offensive purge? That would bring it more in line with the value of a defensive purge, a taunt, and a humanoid-only channeled CC. Currently, as Affliction or Destruction, you either use the Felhunter if you need the interrupt or the Imp if you don’t because of the benefit of ranged damage. The Succubus sees no use anymore, even in PvP where it is supposed to shine, because sacrificing that interrupt is just too punishing.

My suggestion would be this: Warlocks get a baseline interrupt that is part of the Warlock toolkit, not the pet toolkit. This could manifest in a variety of ways. For example, rework Curse of Tongues to operate as an interrupt rather than a cast time increase. Introduce a new Curse of Tongue-tying or something that is a proper interrupt. You could even make this change based on specialization. For example, if you’re Demonology spec, you get call Felhunter. If you’re Affliction or Destruction, you get Curse of Tongue-tying. Both of these options retain the flavour of the specs without sacrificing an integral ability.

Please, do not keep interrupts out of our kits or with our pets. It actually works against class fantasy and class freedoms in my opinion. If you are intent on doing that, please, at least explain your reasoning.

Edit: a couple words for clarity.


if you could copy paste this as a reply to the warlock compilation thread that’d be great, I have a feeling they’re actually reading it lmao

Sure. I initially went to post there but I wasn’t able to reply and figured it was an alpha-testers-only thing but I see that I can now. Will do :slight_smile:

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oh earlier today due to the Everyone Being Mad and General Discussion catching literal fire the entire website crashed for like 20 minutes, was probably then

(Ion said that picking your covenant should be like “picking between a mage and a hunter” i.e. like picking a class, which did not go over well)

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Still hoping they reconsider the limit 1 UA stance, but other than that, very impressed by the changes the devs have been open to during this alpha compared to BfA.

Also an easy to miss but important line from the most recent warlock change blue post - “While there are still some planned changes coming for warlock…”

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I mean its just a start. I feel like they dont want to make a new spell or replace the pvp felhunter talent for now.

I would personally rather have the call felhunter silence spell baseline among all specs so thatwe have control and if you want to run felhunter you have 2.

We will have to wait another expansion for improvements on the other parts that we want though like they did in legion. When there was feedback about meta being removed it was ignored after the alpha.

Nothing better than more random bull****, pls blizz give us more random %% change dmg legendaries and talents jesus ****

The implosion legendary is trash, you can’t get the buff up during tyrant without sacrificing all the imps that you extended

Also please fix pet summon time! An extra 3.5 seconds across thousands of summon casts across a whole expansion seriously adds up! Even if the developers hate pet twisting there’s no reason it should be so long out of combat.


Lol, u really havent checked the new demonic consumption. Tyrant dont kill imps anymore in shadowlands it drains hp instead, kind of like thal’kiels consumption without a nuke. So stop trolling.

On the other hand i do hate implosion. The heartstone version of implosion is way better. I would rather deal damage and summon 2-4 imps to aid me for like 10 seconds. Cause i would end up dealing more damage ramping up. Its better to have the imps explode on the target when they expire.

I rather my aoe be hellfire or demon wrath. Something thats free to aoe or only cost mana. No shards or force sacrifice of my demons.


Just change the felhunter command to something else and make Call Felhunter baseline. This is not hard. Why are they going out their way to make things so much more complicated than necessary?


When you make 3 sets of imps, use tyrant, you extend them by 15 seconds.

If you want the buff, you will have to implode all of your extended imps = your tyrant cooldown LOOSES VALUE

It’s trash design, stop sucking up to it with your little to no knowledge of the class

On live, tyrant eats the imps, so you will make a new set, those won’t have full 15 seconds of the extend and you implode only those 3, so you don’t really lose that much value, after this, you will be imploding 6-12 fully extended imps to get a buff that expires mid-tyrant

And here is the other problem with the legendary. Don’t even bother using it on single targets like many boss fights. You need 3 or more targets to even get the buff. At least the current one doesn’t require this.

He obviously is a level 10 troll, its literally an aoe legendary. He wants to use it on a single target.

The other thing is that its not the final version so idk what the troll is trolling about

The legendary literally say when you damage 3 targets or more with implosion you gain 5% haste for 8 seconds for each exploded imp. So can someone tell me why this troll is trying to argue using implosion while tyrant is active when you can explode the imps without having your tyrant out. Its not meant to be used with tyrant to begin with. Only multiple targets of 3 or more.


jesus christ guess you have never played demo huh ? looking at your profile you did a big amount of dungeons, lot of experience with the spec