July 15 / 2024 I can't log in

same issues here. also i saw disconnect errors on both the launcher and on the blizzard website


Select character, loads to about 90%, and DC.


I’m having the same issue right here, I was playing 10 minutes ago just buying browsing the AH, then got disconnected all of a sudden. Initially i got the message “Character name already exist”, then “Character not found” which brought me here. I haven’t been able to log in since. I also tried other character and I got disconected when loading bar is about to finish.


I’m having the same issue. I played all day with no trouble until I took adinner break. Came back and getting the error “character name already exists” or just hanging up at loading screen.


Doing this to me, now.

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same can’t log in

I got in after about a 8 minute load screen.

Same. Loading screen after character selection but in my case it just freezes. I was able to play a few hours ago.

Same issue on Malygos, was using AH, then tried going through portal to do superbloom. Dc’d and cant get by the blue bar on any toon.

so i guess this effecting all servers right now. maybe we should all just take this a cue to take a break, let them handle this. Cho’gall and it’s merged servers are down as well, the only solution, is just do an alt f4 and wait for official new from blizzard which i assume is coming in the next few minutes.


hubby can’t log in either

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My account was disconnecting at 80% load time, now I have been stuck at 100% for a few minutes without DC’ing

Same here for over 30 min

same, i logged in got something from the AH, logged me out, came up with character with name already exists now i cant log into any toon, load bar goes to 100% i hear the nose it makes when i fist log in but its still on load screen.

I can log in, but none of my characters are showing up on the three servers I play on. Did someone break something?

Same. Man, I get things happen. I just wish the would acknowledge that they know about it and are working on it. Communication costs nothing, but they seem to seriously lack it.


Same issue here on NA servers. I have also gotten the message “There’s already a character with that name”.

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maybe they should just move the maintenance up to right now, since no one can log in.

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Yeah stuck on loading screen, tried disabling addons, cleared the cache, nothing going both on my normal & remix toons

Chiming in on WRA, but looks like it’s everywhere.