Sure buddy, you don’t even know why it’s a problem lol, you don’t even know the CD of the Judgment, you think it’s the dispel is happening every 6 seconds when it’s more like 3. That’s why people don’t like it, but like I said I don’t care. It existed before it just could be cast less, because Ret had “better” options, it wasn’t “OP”? If it’s as “OP” as you claim, then how could there be better options, go cry somewhere else.
Hello. Just because a thing was tolerable at one point doesn’t mean it can’t become problematic and therefor subject to change in the present and future.
Imagine eles/spriest if Holy Paladin became super meta.
Cleanse the Week
When you dispel an ally within your aura, all allies within your aura are dispelled of the same effect.
Healing allies with your Holy Light will cleanse all Diseases and Poisons from the target.
Yeah, hapl and/or ret every lobby decent time to be benching the Ele.
I can’t even tell if you’re satire at this point or not.
They seem quite sincere.
… well I guess he is just exposing himself at this point
If they keep this as is, I’d like blood horror, kjc and shadowburn execute back pls.
Just remove it and give cleanse/improved cleanse to both Prot and Ret. I’d prefer that tbh, i don’t like to randomly dispel UA and kill myself.
The lock has the benefit of being able to use it while they’re cc’d though right? At least I think so for stuns.
The big change for ret imo was giving 2 normal judge charges, that used to be prots big benefit for judge dispel. Now they’re slinging them left and right. That’s the only difference for ret this entire expac in terms of dispel usage.
Couldn’t see other replies in thread, so here goes:
- Judgments of the pure is the talent
- Makes it so your judgment removes 1 magic, disease, poison effect from targets in your aura
- So if you have 2 magic debuffs on you (ex: hunter’s mark + just got frozen by trap) → ret uses judgment → 50/50 chance they remove the trap…negating an entire cc
- Each cast of judgment does the dispel. So divine toll hitting multiple targets + divine resonance (casting more judgments) can strip debuffs constantly. I had a ret dispel me upwards of 30x in a solo shuffle game, just by doing their rotation. It pretty much negated all my ele’s dmg.
- The ret is hit by dispel protection effects, but since flame shock’s is a small hit + knock up, it’s worth spamming it. Same goes for negating shadow priest, but using this against UA locks can be a death sentence.
Divine resonance will still work if you’re cc’d. As long as you cast divine toll before the cc…maybe that’s a bug, but I’ve seen it in a few games.
Running it into aff and dying is 100% on you.
I was thinking more in a BG perspective, but i guess you are right.
But since most people don’t like that it is passive, random and some cases can be op and others useless, maybe just remove it and give a more reliable tool the class already have, which is cleanse
Nahhh, lets be here…judgement dispel needs a 4 to 8 sec icd or at LEAST let it not work with Divine toll or blessed champion. I’m all for having counters but its a little Op when fighting certain specs.
just remove judgment dispel its bad for the game simple as that just give them another honor talent to replace it problem solved
Bro you purge more buffs than me and while doing damage HUH???
Judgement dispel needs to not exist…
Because its against your interest esp as a mage? OH NOO a counter…it needs some type icd, relax my guy.
It deletes entire specs with zero counter play…
You won’t find a Ret with a decent understanding of the game who would defend that talent.